Okay here is my setup
I have 1 Asus Z87 Pro V Edition Running Windows 10 pro, And i just used the Z87 DVD to install it, since then i have done several Clean installs
And using the updated Windows 8.1 Version since there are no AI Suite 3 Version for the Z87 board not have a single problem with expect the fans not responding
To temp change if AI Suite is minimized but i have gotten into the habit now of clicking the icon in task bar and having be my "Background Image"
i don't even notice it anymore.
My 2 PC is my problem child always has been specs:
Asus Z97 Pro Gamer at the momemnt i am running Windows 8.1 pro again, With Ai suite no problems with getting it Installed on Windows 8.1 As long at least so it
has been for me that i install the MEI drivers from Asus first then i can just install ai suite or choose to install the updated MEI from Windows update and then install
AI Suite. BUT
When i signed up for the Windows 10 upgrade i went thru the normal frustration of getting rid of ai before the upgrade because windows 10, last fall did not like
AI suite to much so i had to do a clean install of win 8.1 pro then upgrade to 10 pro was a hazzle because i forgot to install the pro pack before i upgraded to windows 10
But i have so many medie players so i thought okay i loose the one you get if you bought the media center addon to win 8.1.
As some of you recall november 2015 the how can put this, well some of us got a F.U.B.A.R update srt guys but my english is limited as its not my native language
Well my store stopped working from after that tried all but everytime i tried to install from the store well it would just close i tried everything i could find re registering
the store files delete the store temp folder files everything well nothing worked. so what the heck did not use store much.
But finally this year around February my pc was getting a bit sluggish and i wanted a bigger SSD drive also so i thought okay time for a clean install on my new
500 GB SSD install took 5 mins sweet trying to install AI Suite was a different matter it simply will not, i did everything found in this post but it will start the install with
installing matrix the ZIP O nada.
I have tried everything from using the old mei drivers from Asus "updated" Windows 10 site to the newest.
But it won't install so i am back on my "slow" yea Windows 8.1 feels slow compared to Windows 10 :).
I was browsing the Asus site for clue's to what i could do and then i was just clicking links on links until i found a web page with the MB supported by Windows 10
Well my eyes almost popped out when i saw my Asus Z97 pro gamer was not, BUT as i scrolled down saw that asus do offer Windows 10 drivers when doing
The Upgrade from Windows 8.1 now my english aint to good so maybe i am reading it wrong i dont have the link it was some where in the FAQ list
BUT MY ASUS Z87 pro v edition was no where to be seen, but it gives me no hazzle at all.
So does that mean if i was reading the AI Suite Support list correct that i need to install Windows 8.1 first then have to Upgrade to Windows 10 everytime
I want to do a clean install of my windows 10 and i do that a lot before i can get ai suite to install it must be so since the only time i have been able to install ai suite on my Z97 was
When i did the upg from 8.1 to windows 10??
OHH found the link here is the text and link, "seems i was wrong its not about which mb support ai but for windows 10, but still my z87 has no issues my z97 has em all
The following motherboards offer Windows 10 driver for OS upgrade and compatible installation: