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How to Install Ai Suite 3! (For People Who Cannot install the new AI Suite 3)

Level 7
Okay...I finally was able to fix this!!

Follow the steps correctly..

-Uninstall any remaining Asus programs, then start windows in safe mode and run this cleaner.

-Restart into normal windows mode and download a newer version of AI suite listed at your Motherboard page, decompress it but don't install it.

-In the drvresource folder right-click on HMservice/aaHMIns.exe and AXSP/axinst.exe and change the compatibility for all users to run as administrator. (Look into compatibility settings and opt accordingly)

-Run the main Ai suite installer (asussetup) as administrator.
Nothing seems to be happening again but just check your task manager for a process called axins.exe. End that process and the installer should magically start working.

So, I deleted everything from my original AI Suite 3 install. I then installed the new version recently posted by ASUS (V1.00.56) for my Z87-PRO motherboard. It seems to work, but it no longer has the 4-Way Optimization? Is this normal? If so, why? I'm a noob and loved the single button overclock feature.

Oh, BTW, my new build is as follows:
Corsair 550D
Corsair DDR3-1600 (16g)
i5-4570 @ 3.20GHz
GeForce GTX 780
Corsair H100i
Samsung 500 SSD

Thanks for looking - I'm stumped

Level 7
So I had the problem on my new H87M-Pro. The Version on the CD made no problems until installation, but when I tried to install the update, nothin happens. So I set the AsusSetup.exe to run into XP-Compatibility-Mode and that fixed the problem for me.
But the Version-Infos are a bit seldom: the file is named as AI_Suite_III_Win7_8_H87M-PRO_VER10049 but at the unpacked subfolder the directory for the suite is named in AISuite3_1.00.60...

Level 7
The cleaner doesn`t work. Can`t open ASIO.sys!!(2)

Level 7
Thanks punkxpunk this did indeed fix the problem I was having installing the A1 suite.
Thanks again for your help and time.


Level 7
signed up just to say this is the only place throughout all the internets with a proper solution to this

Zentrope, thanks for the info. The solution also works on installing the ACPI driver -- instead of the entire AI Suite package. I just changed all of the app binaries under x64/Win7 to "run in admin mode" and then run the asussetup.exe as admin. Once the CMD window pops up, I just killed the axins.exe process and the driver installation completed. Usually it would just hang and eventually time out.

Level 7
Worked like a charm! Thank you so much!

Level 7
Seems the zip file for AI suite is what was causing the install issue. I right clicked it and unblocked the zip file in windows 7 before I extracted it. As soon as I clicked on the AsuSetup.exe it started the installation program right up. Thanks everyone

Level 8
I tried to update to the latest version of the suite but now it will not work.
I tried to see if there was an option to unblock the files as described, but it doesn't.
Tried to uninstall everything and use the cleaner, use ccleaner, then reinstall it, no luck.
What could it be?
Thank you!

My solution to this problem was to open AsusSetup.exe as admin. Afterwards I navigated to processes in task manager and ended axIns.exe. This will open allow aaHMIns.exe to open in processes as well as bringing up a window to run the setup. Don't click run yet. You have to reopen axIns.exe from DrvResource\AXSP in the setup folder. Before you click run for axIns.exe make sure the window to run the setup is behind the window for axIns.exe because you have to hit run for the setup immediately after clicking run for axIns.exe. If you do not then axIns.exe will close again and you have to do this all over again. Hope it works for anyone still having trouble. It worked for me using the lastest version. Good Luck.