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hero VII & i7 4970k too high vcore

Level 7
Hello. I recently bought the maximus hero VII and a i7 4790k

I updated the bios with the AI suite 3 software to the 2201 version (guess that's the lastest version )
I keeped all the bio setting to default, so most of them are set to auto. ( i just turned off the extra MB red light stuff, and setup fan speed in PWR )

I use the lastest AI suite 3 ( V10083 ) and just setup my own profil into Xfan xpert3
So the TPU thing, set my CPU to 4.4mhz max. Until there, its perfectly fine.

but i saw that the vcore goes up to 1.344 ( ai suite3 value, CPU-Z tell me 1.325 ) at 100% load ( tested with OCCT ) which is, according to somes ppl ( from other forum ) with the same cpu and same 4.4mhz speed.. clearly high.

My beginner assumption about that : AI suite3 TPU boost that much the Vcore during load.

So my question is, how do I change the TPU setting to keep the 4.4mhz and vcore in adaptative, but get a "normal" lower vcore voltage when full load ?

thanks !

PS: i hope my explanation was clear enough. Never been used to tweak thoses things, and my english is far to be perfect.

Level 7
I see 🙂 interesting to know.
Well my vcore is still very high ( default bios setting ) tho 😞 from most ppl speaking about their vcore ( even with default setting, and using stuff like occt / interbrun ) it dont exceed 1.2--
After is that necessary because of the CPU ? or it can be whatever issue with the hero VII that cause so high vcore ? ( i dont have anything else than my computer. so i cant do any other test with different hardware ^^ )

But in mean time, someone know how to setup adaptive vcore in the bios ? i dont really get what i have to set 😞
In the bios i have thoses options when i choose CPU core voltage : Adaptive
-Offset mode Sign : + / -
-CPU core voltage offset ( the hint at the bottom of the screen say its min 0.001 max 0.999
-Additionnal Turbo Mode CPU core Voltage ( min 0.001 max 1.920v )

*Soo i suppose i have to set the 1.17 into the Additionnal Turbo Mode no ? Or do i have to start from the "stock vcore ( 1.072 ) at 4.0mhz indicated in the bios ?
And about the CPU core voltage offset, how do i determine that ?

*Or its the offset like in the "offset overclock" ? in this case it would mean i would have to set -0.155 ( because at stock i have 4.4mhz with 1.325 (according CPU-z) / 1.344 (according aisuite3 / HWiNFO64 ) and i can have 4.4mhz with a 1.17vcore...

Kinda lost for that part ^^

thanks 🙂

Level 7
help ? 😞

Level 9
Try this:
These are my settings and is stable enough even at 4.5Ghz ( but I run at intel default multipliers usually ) Never gets past 1.149

Level 7
You mean ?
Offset -0.064
Addionnal turbo mode cpu voltage 0.016 ?

Out of curiosity,
-what Vcore where you using in manual to set your 4.5ghz ?
-What was the "default" vcore with vcore in auto ?
what's your 4.0mhz vcore in the bios ?

Sorry for thoses questions, But i would like to understand how you have found thoses value 🙂

thanks for your answer !

Level 9
I Have no ideea any more what is vcore and what is vid, so I can't answer you. Different programs have different names for the same thing.
The bios shows 0.976 vcore now, it was 1.040 default.
Yes, chose adaptive, negative offset (-) 0.064 and aditional 0.016 for turbo. See photos with my settings.
I disabled asus multicore enhancement, and let all multipliers on auto, but that is up to you. If you want 4.4 turbo on all cores let it enabled.
The power limit and current limit values are safe and I use them to get lower temps.
Edit: And I stay away from AI suite and other Asus crapware; Use intel xtu for monitoring and testing, or whatever floats your boat 🙂

Level 7
hm, alright ! thanks for your answer, going to try that 🙂

was just curious to know what was the "math" to find thoses value.. because 1.040 + 0.016 =/= 1.151 😮 dont understand how thoses setting work so 😞
Damn asus that explain nothing xD
Oh, didnt knew about the asus multicore enhancement ( yes i'am very new too all that ^^ ) interesting information too !

Also, how did you choosed thoses turbo Mod parameter ?

About the Ai suite 3 & stuff, it look a bit too late.. last day i tried uninstall it for a test ( even used the ai suite 3 cleaner.exe ).. and.. my CPU fan wasnt using the bios setting anymore :s ( was sitting at 560rpm whatever the temps. xD ).. so like somes setting was still "active" dunno.
I mainly like the fan Xpert tho, allow me better tweak for the chassis fan than in the bios.
But well so far i saw it take the bios change and do nothing else by his own ( and i dont really change anything permanently without really know what i'am doing, so i dont touch it except for the fan xpert 😛 )

Look nice the intel xtu going to take a look ^^

thanks for the answer, going to do a try with the adptive value and see what it do for the moment 🙂

Level 7
I made the test with your values ( just for the vcore adptive atm ) and so far, only the - offset look to affect the max vcore during full load.

at -0.080 i have around 1.17.
if i set a Additionnal Turbo Mode CPU core Voltage under the bios say like your with the "Total adptive Mode Cpu core voltage" By CPU. ( and Ai suite 3 use the OC value as default )

Tho, even if it pass the OCCT linpack without AVX over 20min.. my computer crash with a blue screen in a game :s

So... i guess its still not good 😞 I really dont know what to do ><

What is your batch koroziv ? ( if you use a i7 4790k )

Level 9
My 4790k is L439B850, on a maximus vii hero
I took those values from here:

"First in bios load optimize. Reboot. See inside ure bios whats the voltage is. This is the vid for ure cpu. Mine is 1.04v.
Ok now things will get interesting.

My 4.4ghz stable is +0.096v of this. So if i run manual i will get 1.04+0.096v=1.136v. The default adaptive auto is 1.184
So if i want to run adaptive i need to set offset to "-" 0.064v with additional turbo 0.016v

4.5ghz is offset on auto or adaptive "-0.016v with additional turbo 0.016v
4.6ghz is adaptive "+" 0.032 with additional turbo 0.016v
4.7ghz is adaptive "+" 0.080 with additional turbo 0.016v"

I had the same 1.040 in bios at default so I used those values; I do not fully understand everything but this is ok for me.
I would also like to know if and how can I change the base value, the one that we apply offset to (using adaptive). If I could lower that a little I think it would max out to 1.12 or 1.13 instead of 1.149, resulting in lower temps.

Level 7
Very interesting post !
because from "all my test" it resulted with a fine OCCT test ( linpack, AVX disabled to get proper vcore value ) i even succeed with a 1hour test without single issue. I ran a game.. and after 20min bleu screen.. 😕

I also noticed that the max vcore value ( adaptive mode ) is only managed by the offset, like i tried with -0.065, got vcore ~1.19-1.2 and with -0.08 got vcore at 1.17
And whatever the + additional turbo value 0.016 -> always resulted with a crash ( only with a game, OCCT test was always fine tho, and with with a -0.07 - -0.08 )
Going to read carefully that thread to try figure out how that work !

Thanks for the link, and if i have something new, going to post it 🙂

About you, yeah i suppose you could try lower your offset to see if that work correctly 🙂
Quick question, since you fixed your CPU ratio to 45, do you have the anti-surge on ( monitor part ) ? and what about your VRM spread spectrum ( DIGI+ part in the extrem tweak part ) Wondering if that can cause somes issue since i re-enabled them.

Thanks again for you answer, very helpfull 🙂

Level 9
I think anti-surge and some other thing are disabled automatically by the xmp profile that I use (ram 1866), but no sure what. I did not touch anything VRM or DIGI+ related. I only set up the cpu fan manualy, the setting for cores (disable asus multicore enhancement and all on auto) and the things that you see in the pictures above.
Edit: I used xtu to put all cores to x45 and test, in bios cores are on auto; that because I don't fell the need to oc and I use default intel multipliers. See the xtu photo with default and active settings.