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[HELP] Asus Rampage IV Extreme. USB still ON after shut down

Level 7
Hi guys.
I'm just purchase an ASUS Rampage IV Extreme.
I Have some question here.

USB power still ON, even when computer is shut down.

may be someone tell me this: "why don't you just cut off the PSU switch button? or directly cut off the head power outlet?"
I DO. but it's still very annoying. come on, this is an era of instant right. this not an era of IBM PC pentium I, pentium II, pentium III or some other old stuff.

I know this is may be the smart feature to charge your mobile device like iPhone or iPod, even when the computer is OFF. but this is really annoying for me, cause I have so many USB Devices like external HDD, USB Modem, external USB fan. etc. and It's not funny to see my USB Devices still working (ON) even the computer is OFF.
at least tell me how to turn off that feature?

I've see the FAQ on ASUS website, and not found anything about my problem.

I've already update the latest BIOS, but still same problem.

I've try to setting all feature on the ACPI Configuration. disable all setting like power on keyboard, power on mouse etc. and still nothing.

can anyone help me?
I hope it's any ASUS guy here where can explain this problem,
at least tell me how to turn off the USB power when the system is off?

Please help me, if any way to solve this preblem.
Thanks in Advance.

Update: 06-03-2012

Today, I'm try the PSU with ErP/EuP support as Raja@ASUS Recommendation. have to Enabled ErP option on BIOS
and the problem still same. USB Power still ON, even the Computer is Shutdown

I'm using the Seasonic P860. Platinum
so, the problem is not solved... yet.

anyone have same issues with me?

Raja@ASUS wrote:
Might be your PSU not working with ErP/EUP, who knows. With ErP enabled the system needs to conume less than 1W of power. No way this can happen if USB devices can draw spec power (500ma). I can hear the relay within the Corsair switching when it goes into this mode, the standby LED on my charger switches off as soon as that happens - takes a few seconds after S5 for the residual charge to drain. I have not tried with other PSUs, but ultimately that is what this comes down to, your PSU. If the consumption is less than 1W in S5 then it is ErP compliant. If the PSU was sold pre 2010 or outside the EU then there is a chance you have a non ErP compliant PSU, so you know what the answer to that is...

I'm Using a Seasonic M12II 620 W.
FYI: With that PSU, I've using a few mobo before. Asus M4A88T-M (AMD AM3 Socket, then Asus CVF, on thats mobo, the USB power is OFF when system is shut down.

**I've using the other brand mobo too, the A***** Fat*l1ty 990FX. and the USB power is still ON when system is shut down. but thats problem solved soon, after I ask a question to Costumer Service, solution is disable the Onboard HD Audio on/off Play.

**sorry if Out of Topic, I'm glad to delete this part if are not allowed to talk the other brand here

Level 13
If the PSU is not ErP compliant or allows allows some 5V rail power during S5 you will have 5VSB active so your USB devices will receive power. Try another PSU. There is no other way and this is not down to the board.

Raja@ASUS wrote:
If the PSU is not ErP compliant or allows allows some 5V rail power during S5 you will have 5VSB active so your USB devices will receive power. Try another PSU. There is no other way and this is not down to the board.

it seems like my PSU is not support ErP/EuP.

ok, I got it... I'll try to use the other PSU with Erp/EuP.

and if you don't mind..
I'll buy an Antec HCP 850 next month, is that PSU equipped with ErP/EuP ?

Level 13
Ask Antec directly, no way for me to know off the top of my head. Different models sometimes across regions - EU have more stringent regulations, so what is sold here and elsewhere may be different.

Raja@ASUS wrote:
Ask Antec directly, no way for me to know off the top of my head. Different models sometimes across regions - EU have more stringent regulations, so what is sold here and elsewhere may be different.

ok.. I'll do..
and hey, thanks a lot for your help man :cool:

Level 13
No problems, Most PSU vendors will advertise ErP/EUP as a feature:

Newegg for example does not list Erp for your PSU:

But does for this Antec model:

So I suppose you need to check each model carefully and confirm with the retailer and Antec when buying.

TBH, you are going to spend more money on replacing the PSU than you will save due to ErP.... Just a thought. 😛

I was wondering if it is normal with ERP enabled with a corsair AX1200 to get 2 power cycles when pressing the power button to turn the system on. I know this happens normally when I unplug the PSU from the wall when ERP is disabled. Also with ERP enabled I notice a small amount of power still getting to my USB ports. My WIFI USB light is dim and I can still charge my wireless headset and my mouse lights on my razor mouse are dim. All the lights I mentioned are a lot more dim with ERP enabled.


Never mind about the power on the USB. I had a USB cable connected to my monitor and that was powering my USB devices through my monitor.

Question still about the double power cycle.

Asus Crosshair VIII Dark Hero / AMD 5800x / 32GB Corsair Dominator Platinum RBG (CMT32GX4M4C3600C18) @ 3800 /2x Sabrent 1TB Rocket NVMe 4.0 (Raid 0)/ 1x Samsung 860 Evo SSD / Corsair AX1200 PSU / ASUS Strix Helios Case / Corsair HydroX Custom Loop D5, CX7, XG7 420+280 Rad/ Asus Strix 3090 / Asus PG35VQ Ultrawide Monitor / Corsair Commander PRO 3x ql120, 4x ql140 fans / Edifier 1850DB Speakers + T5 Sub /
Asus Theta 7.1 Headset

Level 13
The power cycle "symptoms" you describe are normal with ErP enabled. Provided the power consumed at AC is less than 1W the system meets the ErP directive.

OK thanks. The monitor back feeding power had me confused. USB charging was off and ERP enabled and devices still had power.
Asus Crosshair VIII Dark Hero / AMD 5800x / 32GB Corsair Dominator Platinum RBG (CMT32GX4M4C3600C18) @ 3800 /2x Sabrent 1TB Rocket NVMe 4.0 (Raid 0)/ 1x Samsung 860 Evo SSD / Corsair AX1200 PSU / ASUS Strix Helios Case / Corsair HydroX Custom Loop D5, CX7, XG7 420+280 Rad/ Asus Strix 3090 / Asus PG35VQ Ultrawide Monitor / Corsair Commander PRO 3x ql120, 4x ql140 fans / Edifier 1850DB Speakers + T5 Sub /
Asus Theta 7.1 Headset

Level 13
A small amount of leakage is permitted in the directive, so nothing to worry about if you have a PSU that does that.

You monitor however is in breach of USB spec, there should be no leakage of power on the USB input...