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headset hookup ?

Level 12
Alright I got a question. I am running my audio to my monitor right now via hdmi from the asus gtx670 and using the keyoard control to volume up or down.
I want to add my turtle beach xp500 headset to the system from my xbox. I connect the turtle beach hdmi to the motherboard along with the toslink. As soon as I do that I can hear all sound in the head set but no mic? Also when I turn the T.B. system off I do not have sound on the monitor anymore. I did get it back to the monitor but had to go thru a few step to do it. Just wondering if there is some way to make it so when T.B. system is on its to the headset then monitor when they are off.
As in the mic, am I missing something or should I just get a dedicated Pc headset?
Maximus XI Formula, I9-9900k, Phantex Evolove X, Seasonic Titanium 850W, Custom loop PE360+SE360 Rad, G.Skill Trident Z F4-3200C14 32g, Nvidia Reference RTX 2080 TI, Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1Tb, Windows 11