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Finally Making the Jump !!

Level 11
Hi folks
First Post here at ROG....hang quite a bit at HWC and Evga. So, finally moving up from my old Evga 759 Classified Board and 980X to a much anticipated X79 Build :cool:

I may be on here with a few questions if I get lost in the Stickies, had that Evga Board since its release, so doing as much research as I can before the gear arrives next week.
Will be getting a RIVE and 3930k along with an Intel 120GB SSD (Boot) and 16GB Doms 1866.

Recycling a bunch of stuff including a couple of GTX 680 Classy's, my AX 1.2kW, Silverstone TJ09, H100i, 240GB Vertex and a couple of 640GB WD Blacks

cheers folks and looking forward to "diving in"

Level 15
If you don't choose the UEFI tag for your bootable device, you'll load the "legacy" MBR...if memory serves me right...and I do hope i'm right lol 😛

You should have no troubles whatsoever 🙂

Level 11 EUFI seems to be the way things are going I think I'll go ahead and install in that manner...give it a whirl anyhow 😉

Level 12
Hi there, make that 2, i just did the same thing you did same board same chip 😉