Hello ,
I had the same issue for a while now just tow days ago i fixed mine , first question is, is your CPU overclocked , and if that was the case did you load your XMP file from the bios ?
what are you encountering is a a double post for your bios , the first post is a test post (checking ram and cpu voltage and setting ) the second post is the real post , in order for you to fix that we are going to do the fallowing .
1-enter your bios setting and load default setting then save and Exit ( if your Motherboard give you CPU fan error press F1 and choose to ignore )this only happen if you have water cooling on your system like H100i
2- Once you in windows use your dual intelligent processors 5 software that came with the motherboard to over clock your CPU the amount you like see pic below

3- click on Five way optimization and go to advance setting

4-Choose the Cpu level up you like , unchecked the fan setting and leave the EPU setting default , click start to start (see photo)

5- your computer will reset and boot to windows and it will optimize the system to achieve the desired overclock and system stability . once it's finished close it and click on task bar next to system clock to show the dual intelligent processor 5 look at your system information (see photo )

6- your system should be stable at this point ( no further checking or
double posting from your bios the double post happen when you go to your bios and adjust the setting from the bios if you use this utility it will never double post
if you go this far now it's time to test it shut off your computer unplug it from the power supply and wait 5 min then plug it back in your computer should boot to windows no issues or double post hope this help , i know it worked for me