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Fake boot on Maximus VII Hero!

Level 7
Hello, I would like to understand how is it possible that my Maximus VII Hero just turned 2 times test before starting. Thanks!

Hello Raja,

I don't mind the LED's. In fact they look really good in my casemod. I was more worried about the double boot and found it strange the LED's stayed on when the PC was turned off.

I've contacted the ASUS techdesk again and told them what you told me. I will post the result here as well when I recieve it.

They respond to me with the following e-mail:

Thank you for your e-mail.

In this case it's not advisable to apply the motherboard for repair.
Normally this problem should not occur, however, since our colleagues in the USA are stating that this is normal, we want to verify this with our headquarters in Taiwan.

We will forward this e-mailhistory to our headquarters in Taiwan and check if the problem is known and if there is a solution for this problem.
Once we receive more information regarding this problem, then we will do our best to contact you as soon as possible.
I hope to have informed you sufficiently.

Kind regards,

Lesley Jordan van Oostenrijk

Level 7
Here is the response from ASUS Taiwan.

Thank you for your e-mail.

We have received confirmation from our R&D department that the double boot after the PSU power cut is normal for this type of motherboard.

They state that executing a full reset after the power cut is normal, however if the computer has multiple resets after cutting the power then there might be a problem.

Our R&D department has asked for you, if double resets or triple resets occur, to test the motherboard without the dedicated GPU and to use a Haswell compatible PSU.

As for your question if there is a solution for your problem, no there is no solution for this problem.
This is a normal occurance and check of the motherboard, there is no hotfix or update to bypass this.

I hope to have informed you sufficiently.

Kind regards,

Lesley Jordan van Oostenrijk

Level 7
hey ppl
i have that problem double boot , but it happen when i update bios to any version except original 1 (401) .
and cuz we have flashback i back to (401) and double boot gone .
so i think its problem , cuz i test all bios version :cool: all same problem .
so if u have this problem go downgrade to (401) , until they found solution and i think they must , i found alot of ppl when i searching for my problem they have same .

I've just flashed my BIOS back to v401, and no more triple boots!

When I change a setting in the BIOS (for example XMP profile) I still get a double boot. Probably because the MB checks if there is an overclock feature enabled and reboots using those settings.

But when I dont change anything in the BIOS there is not even a double boot. I'm so glad my triple boot problem is gone now.
Thanks for this information.

So it has to do with the BIOS. Something that came with the new versions.

ASUS could you please look into this?

Best Regards,

Level 13
There will be no changes to this. Will stay as is.

Level 7
Today I've recieved an e-mail from ASUS. They tell me there is a new BIOS v.1104 that should fix the cold boot problem with the ASUS Maximus VII Hero. I'm at work atm so havent had the change to test is myself yet, but other people found that it indeed does fix the cold boot problem with the Maximus VII Hero boards.

So I gues things didn't stay as is did they Raja@ASUS.

Best Regards,

meggens wrote:
havent had the change to test is myself yet, but other people found that it indeed does fix the cold boot problem with the Maximus VII Hero boards.

So I gues things didn't stay as is did they Raja@ASUS.

Well, I have just tested bios ver 1104 and my Hero board still performs the device initialisation reset on cold booting - So Raja is still correct on this one... 😉

Well, I tested the new v1104 BIOS and my triple cold boot problem is gone. I've set the bios exactly the way I had it when the triple boot occured, but my system now boots to POST instantly from a cold state.

So the problem I had with the board has been resolved.

Level 7
Hi, all. I encountered the 2nd - 3rd boot issue for my Asus Maximus Hero VII also. I HAVE UPDATED the latest 1104 bios already but the problem still exists. I am using the Kingston HyperX Beast 2400MHz DDR3 Ram 8GB x 2 set, and what I found is:

1. When I selected the XMP Profile 1, which is 2400 MHz for the ram, I will have 2nd - 3rd boot issue, for both the cold boot and restart boot;
2. When I selected the XMP Profile 2, which is 2133 MHz for the ram, everything works fine, no boot loop;
3. When I turned off the XMP, everything works fine too.

Another thing to note is that I am putting my rams in 1st and 2nd slot, so they run in single channel, rather than common 1 + 3 or 2 + 4 slot for dual channel, because I can't use them in dual channel, well, this is due to issue:

I bought an expensive Intel P3700 PCI-E SSD and after I installed the SSD on my MB, I found that I cannot use the aforesaid 1 + 3 or 2 + 4 slot ram arrangement as in that case the MB will either not boot (in slot 1 & 3) or I couldn't enter the bios (with Q Code = D5, "no space for legacy option rom"), and therefore I had to put my 2 rams in the 1st and 2nd ram slot to run in single channel.

Level 7
I had a no boot, no POST issue yesterday. I read somewhere to reseat the CMOS battery, which fixed the problem. it seemed to have fixed the double boot issue though I have not tried to turn my PC back on again (I unplug my PC from the power outlet everytime I turn it off).

update: just tried it now and it didn't dual boot. not sure if that's a good thing, having read the comments above...