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Facing problems with HDD, anyone HELP!

Level 7
I'm new to the ASUS maximus VII family and i recently owned a Maximus VII hero for my PC build. When i assembled my PC and
connected all the parts carefully (because it costs heck a lot of money) and switched on, i couldn't install Windows on the HDD.
My motherboards BIOS detects the HDD but shows {WDC WD20EZRX-22D8PB0 (0MB)} and when i start to boot with a bootable disk
the HDD is not shown in the partion window of the installation window. I'm very scared to do anything ahead of this and want a
solution for this. If any one can HELP me please do.

The Drive is connected to the 1st sata socket on the motherboard

Yes the HDD is brand new just took it out of the cover three days before

Level 7
chinoph ---> Nate152 and kkn have good answers . make their suggestions .

the only way to rule out the WD20EZRX-drive as troublemaker , you must test the drive by an other PC. the other way is to advise which caused it, but this is a very bad thing. do you have any friends or neighbors , you can test the drive ?

in moment we stand on the same place , nothing go forward.

i hope we'll find the issue

OK when you go to install windows make sure it's the only HDD connected to your pc. Select your optical drive or usb stick as the first boot device.

If your optical drive or usb stick has UEFI in front of it choose that, a UEFI install will give you faster boot times.

Reboot and it should say press any key to boot from cd or usb stick and you should be on your way to installing windows.

My HDD is the only thing connected to the pc besides the cd drive. Even the optical drive is selected as the first boot device.
Also tried the UEFI boot, The installation window appears but still no signal of hardisk on the installation window.



When i switch on the computer... the harddisk starts clicking sound for some time is it ok?

You may have a bad hdd my friend, is there any way you can test with another one?

I'll try another HDD, and try to format the new one out of the box. hope the HDD is not damaged.