Hey guys,
This week I picked up a 3770K to replace my 3770 in my system which was already running a H100i. On the 3770, it seemed to work fine with a 40C idle temp and 55C temp under load (with a 73C temp while running Prime95). I'm NOT overclocking, just trying to run everything at stock settings.
Upon replacing the processor with the 3770K and booting up, I started getting idle temps of 43C while slowly creeping up to 65C+. When I ran Prime95, it quickly shot up to 100C.
Thinking I didn't reseat the H100i properly, I removed it, made sure the backplate was in the correct position, reapplied thermal paste (Arctic Silver 5, pea-sized blob in the middle), and then rebooted. Same results. I then tried reapplying the thermal compound a third and fourth time with the exact same results.
I then went to the nearest retailer and purchased another 3770K. Same results.
I then tried switching to the stock Intel cooler. Same results.
A few observations:
1) The bottom hose connected to the H100i pump was extremely warm while the top one was cool
2) Both the SP120s mounted to the radiator (in pull) were operating at full speed
3) Every single time I went to reapply the paste, I found the copper block to be extremely warm (felt after I cleaned off the old paste)
4) Ambient air in the room is 78F and I was getting these results with the side panels OFF
5) When mounted, the block was not wobbly (didn't move at all) and the retention screws were only finger tight.
6) CorsairLink says the pump is operating at 2200.
7) I also checked the temps with HWMonitor, RealTemp, and ASUS Suite and they were all showing the same behavior. I didn't run the monitors at the same time--only independently.
Any ideas? Could the mobo be defective? Here's a screenshot of HWMonitor while running Prime95:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1150538_10100603989062999_604603258_o.jpg Thanks
Case: Corsair 650D (side panels both removed)
Proc: i7-3770K (only drawing about 1.15V according to BIOS)
Paste: Arctic Silver 5
Mobo: Asus ROG Maximus V Gene (latest firmware, default settings)
Cooler: H100i (firmware 1.05 with SP120 Quiet Edition fans)
PSU: AX1200i