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ek waterblock question

Level 7
I've searched all over Google for the last few hours and cannot find a solid answer:

I just received the EK waterblock for the C5f - z, and the directions say to cut the thermal pads to size and apply them. It also says to add a bit of thermal compound underneath the pads for a little bit better cooling.

There were supposed to be 2 pads/strips in the box but I only received 1. Now I don't have enough padding to cover all the vrms. Is it okay to use just thermal compound instead of the pads? I guess I could try to get the one pad strip to cover all by cutting tiny squares to size, but would rather just use the TIM if that's the better choice.

If pads are necessary, is there any place locally i might be able to pick some up at? No Micro center or anything like it around here that i know of, and the girl at radio shack said they don't have any. Would like to avoid ordering online and paying shipping and waiting a few more days. Hardware store?

Level 12
I know that if you use a thermal paste on the board, it had better be very electrically non-conductive. I don't know about using paste instead of the pads, because I used pads (with no additional paste to help position the pads).

If, instead of laying the pad down in a long strip, you instead cut it to fit each chip, then you ought to have enough to cover all chips.

I will say this also: I also have the EK C5F-Z waterblock installed, and while I have indeed seen lower temps as a result, it's not significant at all (it's just aesthetically pleasing).


Edit: Is there any reason that you can't reuse the old pads that came off when you pulled the stock heat-sink?

Dr. Zchivago wrote:

I will say this also: I also have the EK C5F-Z waterblock installed, and while I have indeed seen lower temps as a result, it's not significant at all (it's just aesthetically pleasing).

hmm must have upgraded the nb on the z .. on the chv it drops my temps by 10-14 deg c
AMD FX 8350 5.1ghz 221x23
CROSSHAIR V bios 1703
g-skill sniper 1600@1800
What does it matter now if men believe or no?
What is to come will come. And soon you too will stand aside,
To murmur in pity that my words were true
(Cassandra, in Agamemnon by Aeschylus)

to see the wizard one must look behind the curtain ...

Level 7
I had thought of reusing the pads/tape that was there, but quite a bit sick to the vrms after pulling it off. The threads of the tape are visible and open on almost every indentation, which makes me question the ability of it to transfer heat like it should. I'll wait and see if anybody else has any input, then try cutting tiny squares to fit if nothing else.

Level 13

The block mounting was most likely designed with the pad thickness accounted for. Not using the thermo pads may result in insufficient mounting contact/pressure.

Not applicable
Thermal pad VS Standoff

too thin pad = poor mating
too thick pad= bent PCB/ poor mating

Check which thickness you got now and get the same from store or online..

just using TIM ?? seriously? are the blocks for looks, or for cooling?

and TIM is not needed to use with the pads in 95% of the cases, it only cause a mess, and dont improve the heat transfer at all, not noticeable anyway.

some pads are sticky, some not.. Non sticky pads can need TIM sometimes, if its a tricky situation, like a PCH block / GPU mem...

skip the TIM if you dont need it..

And dont start doing compromises like that..

/ Years of experience and 2 thousand fittings tighten /+ 200 meter of tubing / a Kg of TIM

Level 10
I'm not a OCer so I'll leave that to the experts (ie: WhitePaw) but I am an electronics tech by past profession and the last thing you ever want to do is "reuse" a pad or old heat sink compound.

You can use heat sink compounds as they are electrically non-conductive (well; all that I have used but I'm sure there are conductive compounds if needed) but as pointed out most of the blocks require some gap to work correctly.

@Dr. Z; what temps are you getting; I would guess around 35 Degrees C?

For trouble-shooting tips see my blog at:


MB: Crosshair V Formula-Z • CPU: FX-8350 • GPU: Asus Matrix R9 280x • RAM: 8GB of Crucial Ballistix Tactical Tracer (1866)• PSU: Thermaltake DPS Thoughpower 750 Watt • CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Frio Advanced • Keyboard: TT Sports Challanger Ultimate • Mouse: TT Sports Black Element • Case: Thermaltake GT Level 10


TheNerdBench wrote:
@Dr. Z; what temps are you getting; I would guess around 35 Degrees C?

My MB temperature is room temperature at idle and light loads, and as high as 33 while loaded under Prime95 (blend), a half-dozen tabs in Chrome, a video conference call, and usually Mathematica or MatLab running.

Not applicable
ie? insight enlightened?? 😄 or internal emperor..:D insane eunuch..;)

Not applicable
Damn Dr Z... a methlab

No tired, need to sleep

Catcha later..