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DOCP >3200MHz Problem B550-F

Level 7
I also have problems with the B550-F running RAM with more of 3200MHz.
I tested two kits of which one was listed as compatible on ASUS now deleted QVL Ryzen 5000 List:

I hope ASUS is aware of this problem as i cant find any official statement. I am running 3200MHz CL18 right now which is really bad and not what i paid for.
I want to know if we can expect a solution for this or if i should refund my board. This is really annoying... I already contacted ASUS Support, but no answer for now.

Has anyone a soultion? I already tried raising DRAM and SOC voltages but literally anything over 3200 is instanstly dead.
I heard of old BIOS revisions which work(ed). DOes anyone have one of those to share. Even though i wouldnt like the older AGESA i would definetly try it.

Level 7
ASUS Support sent me a mail, translated it means that there will be a BIOS Update fixing this issue.

They say that every bios. MAYBE TEST IT BEFORE U PUT IT OUT!!!