Hello everyone this will be my first post, and your assistance will be greatly appreciated, I've been having a difficult time setting up the digital audio from the Asus Formula V motherboard too my logitech Z5500 speaker setup, too a point that I believe that digital audio does not exist on this board, and the ports are just window dressing, I would like too believe that I'm wrong about this and I'm going about this the wrong way.
There are two digital audio ports on this board one in and one out, I'm not exactly sure why there is a need for a "in" port for this board, but moving along in the manual it indicates that the SPIDF out connection on the motherboard needs a special accessory which is not provided, which is what i thought that I was paying for in the first place, so i was quite put off by this revelation, and the 5.1 analog connection does not function that well sound from all five speakers are not available, and there is terrible distortion that occurs at times, so any assitance in this matter is needed as I have tried every work around that i know of.