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Crosshair V Formula Z / FX-8350 Issues (Q code 10)

Level 7
I've been using this motherboard for almost 6 months now with my old Phenom II X6, had no problems at all. Recently I decided to upgrade to the FX-8350. Today I obtained the processor, installed it and when I turn the system on I notice it's not posting so I check the motherboard to see the qcode "10". Did some research on this and found some cases that looked like mine, almost all of them ended in RMA and the ones which didn't were no use to me at all. Right now I'm writing from the same system with my old Phenom reinstalled, working perfectly as before, so there was definitely something wrong with the 8350.

The question is: Should I send it right away to RMA or is there an explanation to why this processor didn't work?

I'll be glad to share more details if needed


Level 10
Try RMA'ing. I don't know enough, but I do know that AMD uses their highest-quality silicon in their FX-9000 series.
Say hi to the next generation.

Peace is a lie, there is only Passion

Through passion, I gain strength

Through strength, I gain victory

Through victory, my chains are broken

The Republic of Gamers shall free me

Level 10
I've seen that it is suggested that you clear you BIOS once you add a new processor (ie: your FX).

It also has been posted that you need to update your BIOS as well...sorry...I don't have any personal experience in this area (of woes caused by upgrading a CPU in this case).

For trouble-shooting tips see my blog at:


MB: Crosshair V Formula-Z • CPU: FX-8350 • GPU: Asus Matrix R9 280x • RAM: 8GB of Crucial Ballistix Tactical Tracer (1866)• PSU: Thermaltake DPS Thoughpower 750 Watt • CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Frio Advanced • Keyboard: TT Sports Challanger Ultimate • Mouse: TT Sports Black Element • Case: Thermaltake GT Level 10


Level 7
I am going to go on a limb here and ask if your BIOS is up to date? They didn't add support for the proccesor untill bios 508 so if your not running 508 or newer. If that dosent work then you can try to to RMA the CPU. You can try this:

Pull out all hardware but CPU see what codes you get. If you get a code like no ram or no video card then add a stick of ram.
If you get an error code for no video add a video card.

Do you get anypost at all? Does your computer work at all with old processor still? Any aditional information would be helpful

Level 7
I sent it to RMA the day I posted this assuming it was a faulty processor. As soon as I get it back (and if it wasn't faulty) I will update the BIOS, which I didn´t do before (silly me). I did however clear the BIOS. I will post an update once I get it back.

Level 40
You will need to update the BIOS for the board to 'see' the new processor.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 7
i downloaded last BIOS version (1801), updated it and i'm still getting the 10 error code. Will try to run with the cpu only to see if I get any difference like chad said.

Ok, so I seated again my ram and gpu to test the cpu alone, after placing them it POSTED! I'm writing from the fx8350 pc now. I don't know why it didn't work from the start after updating the BIOS, any ideas? Anyways it's working now, thank you all

Level 40
Your memory was not correctly seated? There could be many different causes for this.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

HiVizMan wrote:
Your memory was not correctly seated? There could be many different causes for this.

I don´t think it was incorrectly seated, because it was working with the old processor just fine. I think it was just the BIOS update after all.