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Crosshair V formula red CPU led / no Bios post screen / black screen

Level 7
Hi all,
at first I want to apologize for "bad" english.

I want to share with you my problem, and ask for your help.

I have a Crosshair V Formula based PC with AMD FX8150 CPU. After changing normal cooling to water one, my PC get red CPU led. The PC don't want to start and I cannot see bios screen. This CPU have worked fine in this motherboard earlier, pins are ok. I have tested motherboard with another CPU (pulled out from working PC), and I get the same red light. With rebuliding the cooling system I have changed GPU, PSU and casing. Ram's are the same. All power plugs are connected.
Now my question is: what can I do? 🙂 What kind of checking, debuging can I make to troubleshoot this situation?
I know there is lot of similiar topics on forum, but non of them have a solution that is proper for me.
The CPU is ok, the motherboard work with this CPU and RAM before changing the cooling system, PSU have enough power (1200 Watt Thermaltake).


Level 40

As to why or what happened there are many things. Static electricity is one that could hurt or kill your motherboard/CPU

What to do.

Do a full CMOS clear.

  • Remove all PSU connectors from the motherboard
  • Remove the mouse and keyboard
  • Remove the VGA
  • Remove the HDD
  • Remove the motherboard from the case
  • Remove the battery
  • Place the motherboard on the motherboard box
  • Press the power button to remove any residual charge from the motherboard
  • Clear the CMOS
  • Leave the motherboard for 12 hours or overnight
  • Reseat the CPU
  • 1 VGA
  • 1 stick of ram in the furtherest slot from the CPU
  • Mouse and keyboard
  • 12v PSU connector
  • 24 pin PSU connector
  • Power on and your system should start

Once you are in BIOS F10 and enter then power down.

Reassemble your PC

Hope that works out for you.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Level 8
Turn up your pc. That cpu led will stay on.
Look at your MB I/O-panel. You see green lighted arrow (clr cmos), Press it.
Your pc will shut down. Press your start button and it should now start normaly.
You haveto go Bios via F1 after this because those seting are defaults again.

Cheers Mummy

Edit: i had the same problem when i took my mb battery away for some days on system updates...
CPU: AMD FX-8150 MB: ASUS Crosshair V Formula DDR3: 2x4GB G.Skill Sniper DDR3-1866
GPU: ASUS 7970 SSD: 4x Corsair F3 120GB @ Raid0 PSU: SF Golden Silent 500W OS: W7 Ultimate 64bit

I just had something similar happen to me on CV and it was because only had the 4pin power connector connected on the upper left hadn side of the board instead of the 8pin power connector

Dirk Diggler, Mummy unfortunately your advices did not work.
Turn up your pc. That cpu led will stay on.
Look at your MB I/O-panel. You see green lighted arrow (clr cmos), Press it.
Your pc will shut down. Press your start button and it should now start normaly.

That was the first thing I've tried to do - no luck.

Someone mentioned that red cpu led can lit because there is no CPU fan connected to CPU_FAN1 port (water cooling). Putting fan plug into this port didn't help.

The only thing that I didn't do is the procedure that HiVizMan post here. Getting that Water blocks outsite make me so nervous, and I want to leave it as the "last chance option". Anyone have another idea?

Why pulling out one thing and putting it back in the same place, can create such a problem? What is wrong with those motherboards?? 😞

Level 8
Ok, did you try that "Go button" (up right corner) ?

Edit: Ofcorse when you have POST problems. Use only one memory stick at the time fartest from CPU (red slot).
Edit2: ...Press the "Go button" when the system is up runing and CPU led Stays on.
CPU: AMD FX-8150 MB: ASUS Crosshair V Formula DDR3: 2x4GB G.Skill Sniper DDR3-1866
GPU: ASUS 7970 SSD: 4x Corsair F3 120GB @ Raid0 PSU: SF Golden Silent 500W OS: W7 Ultimate 64bit

Hi, I have just water-cooled myself.

If you happen to have used the EK WaterBlocks North Bridge water block for this motherboard then be warned there is a high likelihood the copper block is shorting circuit components that lay around the NB chip.

I went the CrossHair V and an AMD 8150 with a pair of 'Fired 6990's water-blocked too. I suffered the CPU_LED warning light for far too long, struggling through these forums, trying everything and a wank before one of my last efforts involved powering the 'board out of the chassis (having dismantled the whole farcken water system to get it out). It powered up! Back in the rig, water plumbing replaced. It doesn't FARCKEN power up (again), CPU_LED! AKA, what was the difference? Well, the north bridge was vacant when I powered out of the chassis. It is an EK WaterBlock Crosshair V 'board block. Went straight to their site, There You Have IT !!

Yes, water cooling plumbing back out, another bottle of coolant down the toilet.

Take a look at the EK Waterblocks website, it has been identified and the solution is ... "Use strips of scotch tape across the circuit components in that area around the NB chip before placing the water block". Now, in Australia, scotch tape is that plastic clear stuff. I thought, 'bugger that for a joke' and I have used electrical tape in four small strips and covered those circuit components around the NB chip.

I have since finished my build.

Perfect solution.

Here it is, look at the bottom of the EK Waterblocks Online Shop site, it refers :-
"Note: Few customers reported troubles booting their system after waterblock installation. Please follow the following instructions in order to bypass the issue".
At link :-

And the link takes you to :-,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=100&cntnt01origid...

Well, those customers were spot on. I already had a frustrating build, mistake after mistake. Ending in this one that was this time not my own doing and was a mysterious pig of a thing to find. Hats off to those EK Waterblocks customers that pinned this one. It can only add to experience I suppose. I do plan on building a second machine one day, a pair of 2011 socket waterblocks sitting in the store room right now. To do what? Dual CPU server 'board? Probably, Don't know, see ya. Let us know if it is an EK WaterBlocks motherboard block you are using.


mys system is ;
amd 8150
formula v
amd performance cl8 1600 mhz ram
thermaltake 700 psu
xfx 6850 be

my system has worked 4.1 ghz last week. and I m gettin a noctua d14 cooler this week. ı put this cooler and up to my memory clock 4.6 ghz. but mys systm is shutting down. I clear the cmos and it is work and reset again İ clear again again and aiagn, I push the go button but just black screenn and I removed the noctua and put stock fan but black screen again. Please help what am I do now ? my vga led and cpu led always red and no beep to motherboard 😞 .... thanks
AMD 8150
XFX 6850 BE

Level 40
Did you wear an anti-static band when your replaced your Cooler?

Static kills hardware my friend.

If possible try and have your CPU tested in a friends motherboard or take your CPU and motherboard to a store to test.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.