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crosshair IV formula

Level 7
Hi guys sorry to be a pain iv just got this m/b crosshair iv formula off of ebay yeh I know. problem is I have a solid red cpu led I have 2 cpus amd phenom x4 965 and a new amd 1090 t which is what is running on this pc now with no issues. iv takern battery out to clear cmos but it still red. all on this m/b is 100 % working which is a gigabyte GA-88OG. when I transfer it all over to my asus m/b just solid red led. can some one point me in the right direction plz as what to do b 4 I throw it back at the seller or I theres posts on these forums iv tried looking but theres 1000`s and 1000¬s of threads lol thanks in advance for any help

Level 7
The red light indicates there's a problem with the CPU itself or the AM3 (if I remember right) Socket on the board. If the CPU's are working properly as indicated above then there's an issue with the Motherboard itself! Also, just making sure but u did have a connection to the CPU fan header right?

I've owned a few Crosshair iv's in the past, try cleaning the socket on the board with "compressed air" and re-seat the CPU. make sure the CPU is seated correctly and no pins are bent even the slightest even though you probably are (just saying) anyway! The Red light on the CPU is bad but I've had it happen and did what I said above and it worked for me. You can also try the "clear cmos" button on the back of the board before trying to post! After you've done all of that and it still doesn't work, If I were you, Id send it back!

That 1090-T will work on the Crosshair-V-Formula-Z I do believe, their great cpu's but to be 100% sure call Asus where ever you are to make sure! I upgraded to a FX-8150 when they first came out with the Z board...

Best of luck

Level 7
Hi thanks for the reply both cpus I have tried work fine with this m/b all the fans spin including cpu the go and over clock lights all light up. Iooked up on asus website both cpus work with out updating bios. its a shame as the m/b looks mint but wont post up. I took cmos battery out last night so il tyr again bit later see if I can get it to boot up and yes its an am3 socket

Level 7
Quick question, you do have a Monitor hooked up so you can press F1 when the CPU is recognized so you can go into bios right? I'm not positive if the CPU light hangs until you do that or not but it might...

As far as the CPU working on the Crosshair iv, yes the original bios will work. I must have confused you, I was referring to the board after the Crosshair iv, the Crosshair V seeing as you might have to return that one, sorry mate.