I've had my Maximus IV Extreme and 2600K overclocked for a few months now, until recently. At one point about a week ago and during a combination of reboots, I noticed my motherboard had loaded the bios defaults on its own. It had reverted back to default clocks, onboard devices I had disabled were now enabled again, etc. I ended up leaving it this way until a couple of days ago when I decided to flash the 2105 bios (up from 1904) and re-do my overclocking. At this point I noticed that my OC profiles were also gone and its possible I may have forgotten a key setting but after doing some research and following guides, I cannot get any CPU speed changes to stick. I can change the multiplier and reboot and go back into the bios only to see that the CPU speed still show 3400 MHz while the multiplier says 40 (100 BLCK). I've tried clearing the CMOS and multiple 'load defaults/reset up the bios but the result is always the same. Any amount of ratio/board tweaking will always have the same stock clock speeds of the 2600K.
Anyone know of something to try?