I think there is something wrong with both 0903 and 1002 bios.
My samsung 840 Pro raid 0, in the M6H, fails right after updating with both bios because one of drivers is not detected, and the only way to have it detected again is to change it to another SATA port (to some specifics ports, because not all ports detect the driver after updating).
Interestingly, the raid volume managed by Windows Boot Manager always detect both drivers and indicates that the raid0 volume is good.
To have things as they have to be, i have to downgrade bios from 0903 or 1002 to 0804, 0711 or 0224.
Later on, i will try uninstall W7, secure erase data from both drivers and create a new raid0 volume to see if this way 1002 bios works well in my config.