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CMT16GX3M4X2133C9 on Maximus IV Extreme-Z (Z68) [B3]

Level 7

I have an Asus Maximus IV Extreme-Z (Z68) [B3] with an Intel i7-2600K and I can not get my RAM setup properly:
I have a Corsair Dominator 4x4 DDR-2133MHz Kit (CMT16GX3M4X2133C9) but I can currently only use 2 of them at 1333MHz.

I can see all 4 DIMMS in BIOS and after boot in hwinfo so they should be correctly installed. Changing their order didn´t help either.

I use the default-settings of the 3603 Bios except for some disabled OROMS and the CPU-FAN-Allert, so no CPU overclocking ect.
With the automatic SPD-settings the System only uses 2 DIMMs on 1333MHz. I tried using the one XMP-Profile but the System doesnt Boot with this settings;
after saving them the system gets stuck at a blackscreen with the "59 - CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed" Debug-LED.
Restarting the system then leads to the "overclocking failed screen".

Is there anyone running the CMT16GX3M4X2133C9 on the Maximus IV Extreme-Z (Z68) with an Intel i7-2600K or does anyone know what settings I can try to ajust?

Level 40
Well that RAM is in principle qualified for that board...

You could try reflashing standard BIOS...but maybe first if you can get into BIOS try setting ram up manually...i.e. set frequency and set primary timings....if you have "tweak mode" options in DRAM page try those...

Which channels work? do some channels consistently not work even swapping sticks?

I tried switching the sticks and the same proplem occurred.

I set the standart-default BIOS-Settings several times but I did not reflash the entrie BIOS this is something I can try.
Just changing the frequency did not help everything higher then 1333MHz leaded to "59 - CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed" Debug-LED and then after restarting the system to the "overclocking failed screen". I however did not change the timmings when I highered the frequency. I will look up the ones in the XMP-Settings and set them manually with the frequency.
I will try this out this evening and if it does not work I will flash my BIOS and see if that will help.

I read in other threads that the XMP-profile of this RAM may include a too high VCCSA voltage of 1.30V, but I did not find a seperate VCCSA voltage which I could tweak in my BIOS. So I do not know if this or another voltage is the problem.

Level 40
I would try to flash the BIOS...

Then set RAM speed manually, set primary timings, set Vdimm to 1.65

Today I flashed my Bios with EasyFlash and tried to set the frequency, timings and DRAM-Voltages manually. I tried several frequencys (between 1333MHz and 2133MHz) and DRAM-Voltages (between 1.5V and 165V). None of them worked out. I attached three Screencaps of one attempt to this post.

I do not know what else to do except trying out different orders of the 4 Sticks. However I tried different orders some month ago with no effect but then I did not try to set the values manually; I used the automatic/XMP#1 settings and different orders. Maybe manual settings and a different order will help. My watercooling setup makes it impossible to change the order without draining the whole loop. I will drain the system and change my loop so I can try different oders at saturday with enought time.

Level 40
I doubt order will make any difference...I'm running out of ideas

VCCSA is VCCIO on that BIOS by the looks of things...could try bumping to 1.25 just to see

Load XMP profile and copy down all timings...first second third and then set F5 defaults and then enter all the timings manually...

I tried setting the XMP-timings manually but for second and third timings the XMP-profile has only "auto" so I do not know what I can change there. I also tried running with 1.25V VCCIO; no sucess.

Thank you anyway Arne for your inputs on the matter. I will try changing some sticks around next time I drain my loop if this helps fine if not I will live with the 8gb@1333MHz at least those run stable.

I know when I first setup the machine that all four sticks worked at 2133MHz and I had my 16gb RAM without making changes in the BIOS. I have the problem with the RAM only after changing the case and reinstalling Windows; all components are the same. So maybe I broke something I do not know. But the system runs perfectly and I do not need the full 16gb for my day to day stuff so I can live with it.

Level 40
Well, that is a shame...I'm not sure what else to suggest part from rebuilding the system from scratch...checking CPU socket and checking CPU is mounted correctly...but all a bit of a hassle...if you are working OK maybe the pragmatic thing to do is live with it as is....?

If you click on "auto" for those can't input anything?

I wonder if BIOS is corrupt...maybe try flashing freshly downloaded BIOS but not EZ flash...BIOS Flashback method?

When I load the XMP profile the timing settings I see are shown in the third picture attached to my previous post. I could put in manual second and third timings but I do not know what values I should set; since they are not specified in the xmp profile as far as I can tell. So if someone has any sugestions I think I can set manual values.

Flashing the bios from a bootable USB drive might be worth a shoot maybe even trying out an older bios version. I think I still have some old roms. I dont know exactly which bios version I had running when all four sticks worked correctly so maybe an older one is worth a shot.

Level 40
Yes, definitely try that...flashing BIOS is quick and easy so worth a shot...