I have an Asus Maximus IV Extreme-Z (Z68) [B3] with an Intel i7-2600K and I can not get my RAM setup properly:
I have a Corsair Dominator 4x4 DDR-2133MHz Kit (CMT16GX3M4X2133C9) but I can currently only use 2 of them at 1333MHz.
I can see all 4 DIMMS in BIOS and after boot in hwinfo so they should be correctly installed. Changing their order didn´t help either.
I use the default-settings of the 3603 Bios except for some disabled OROMS and the CPU-FAN-Allert, so no CPU overclocking ect.
With the automatic SPD-settings the System only uses 2 DIMMs on 1333MHz. I tried using the one XMP-Profile but the System doesnt Boot with this settings;
after saving them the system gets stuck at a blackscreen with the "59 - CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed" Debug-LED.
Restarting the system then leads to the "overclocking failed screen".
Is there anyone running the CMT16GX3M4X2133C9 on the Maximus IV Extreme-Z (Z68) with an Intel i7-2600K or does anyone know what settings I can try to ajust?