You really need to generate a minidump. So let's fix that.
Pagefile should not be disabled. And should be higher than 50MB.
Make sure that Small Memory Dump is selected in Startup and Recovery settings.
Ensure these values are set:
CrashDumpEnabled set to "3"
DumpFile set to "%SystemRoot%\MEMORY.DMP"
MinidumpDir set to "%SystemRoot%\Minidump"
If with these settings you don't get a Minidump in C:\Windows\Minidump then also do this change:
Create new DWORD value named: "DedicatedDumpFile" set it's value to a file on your second drive (the RAID0 array) like this:
Don't enter the quotes of course:) And reboot after making the registry changes.
If still you can't get a Minidump generated with these changes then your Windows installation is corrupted a lot.