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Bott With any key pressed.

Level 7
Hello, Last 2 weeks i got this MB. Rampage IV Black Edition (Completely New)

I have studied about the configurations, anyways i got a Little problema. When i turn off the MB (from bios) then i press any key, the system turns on again. I have a PS2 keyboard and a USB Mouse connected, and the power on opt via ps2/keyboard is completely disabled in Bios.

Well thats not all. Now that I have installed Windows 8.1 Pro, and after i turn off, then I press a key and the system turn on again, but when the loading animation circles from Windows appear, it turns off. After this it wont never turn on again via KEyboard.

As i can see this issue comes from bios, but i have completely disabled the function Power on by PS/2.
Now in order to ensure it wont power on by accident i have to press a key or pwr button from chasis, after bios loads, it will turn off automatically when loading win logo appears.
Muy bios looks to be the last one.

Any similar issues? any suggestions? Will update any new i get.

Level 7
I researched and found that Windows 8 Have a Kinda Hybrid Suspensión Mode what is called Fast Boot on energy management. Just uncheck it.
Looks like it caused a conflict between the bios config and this fast boot from win 8.

Sincé i have an SSD on Raid 0, I disabled all that suspensión features, in order to improve the SSD Life. And i didnt notice any change on boot speed
It does stills as faster as with this Feature enabled.

That info got from here: