hmmm, new Cinebench R15 at 4763MHz

HWBOT PRIME benchmark

MaxxPI 32M, scaling much better than old x87 superpi
Multicore Pi benchmark 4763 MHz

Nuclearus benchmark

One part of ScienceMark

Do you know ROG benchmark? He is long, stressed one part very well and including work with photo, video compression and multitasking
The maximumMax Cinebench was able aroud 4815 MHz only :-(. This chip was very hot, but working OK up to 80 C in Coretemp!

Superpi 32M at 4965 MHz

And now something about quality of CUs. I tried it with SUperpi 32M and later with validation.
CU1 the best one

CU2 average

CU3 average

CU4 the worst

Superpi 1M max was around 5117 MHz and I want not used more than 1.55V for this chips

Validation 5317 Mhz with screenshot
Who knows me, knows me ;)....AMD 3000+, AMD x2 4600+ EE, AMD X4 955 BE C2,2x AMD X4 965 BE C3, AMD X4 970 BE C3, AMD x4 975 BE, AMD x4 980 BE, AMD X6 1090T BE, AMD x6 1100T BE, 2x AMD FX-8120, 2x AMD FX-8150, FX-6300, FX-8300, FX-8320E, FX-8320, FX-8350, FX-8370, FX-8370E, FX-9370, FX-9590, AMD A8-3850, AMD A8-3870K, A8-5600K, A10-5800K, A10-6800K, A10-7850K, A10-7870K, A 5150, Athlon x4 860K, Intel i7-5960X, i7-6700K, Intel i7-4770K, Intel i7-980x, Intel i7 2600k, Intel i7-3770K, i7-3930K.