BIOS Update Failed - Switched BIOS - Switched Back - Cannot Boot
Hi again,
Well just when you think you can relax eh...
So I have a newly installed system Windows 8 - I'm afraid I did enable Secure Boot. UEFI Boot working fine etc.
So a few hours ago I see BIOS Update 4403 so I promptly install it. I have never had a problem with BIOS updates...
😕BIOS locked up after update, settings will not save etc. No problem I will switch to BIOS 2. I did so and updated that to the working version 4206.
So I am on BIOS 2 (as I am now) Fine.
PROBLEM: It booted and Windows Activation has gone. I have already reactivated by phone 3 times when building this setup due to other mishaps. Worse than that, I have other licenses (software) that use machine ID. They all think I am on a different machine now.
OK So i will go back to BIOS 1 and flash the BIOS version down to 4206...
Did that. Set everything up BUT it will not let me boot. Is says insert a proper boot disk. It does not seem to be recognising the boot disk as UEFI.
Has something happened with the secure boot setup? It allowed me to boot to BIOS 2 even though I installed on BIOS 1.
Also every time I save settings on BIOS 1 now it just goes back to the BIOS screen again.
I do not want to mess the Secure Boot keys. I considered clearing them but them thought maybe that would stop me booting altogether. (I have backed them up to USB though).
I have been building systems for years but the Secure Boot is new to me and I realise that I probably should have disabled it. re-installing Windows again is out of the question.
Does anyone have any idea how I can get booted up on BIOS 1 again. So that hopefully all my hardware related software activations will return?
Thank you so much I am in a scrape here big-time.