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Random Extremely Loud BZZZZZZZZ

I'm using a VI Hero. Over the course of 3 weeks this has only happened 2 times but when it happens I nearly have a heart attack. What happens is my headphones, which are connected to the mobo, emit the most deafening BZZZZZZZZ ever. It's just an EXTR...

670 Direct II SLI advice

Hi everyone,I am a total noob when it comes to SLI so posting here for advice.I have the Maximus V Forumla motherboard.I7 overclocked to 4.5A GTX 670 Direct II GFX card.Battlefield 4 is just a few weeks away. I was thinking of getting a second 670 di...


Got Response on the R4E Board

Hey, I don't know if most of you may notice the update on my current R4E and how I said in another thread how I decided to RMA the board where I got it from.Well I just got a response showing that there is one slight bent pin on the motherboard and t...

ASUS Z87I-Pro and four fans to control

Hello everyone,I want to build my new gaming PC based on the ASUS Z87I-Pro which offer three PWM connectors for fans. All together I want to install four case fans, all 3-pin.Front: 230mmTop: 2x120mmRear: 140mmMy question are: Can I use a PWM splitte...

Strange Turbo Problem with 4401 and 4310 Bios

Hey RIVE Mates,I've flashed my Rive to the newest official 4310 Bios and set my Turbo to 44, as I did with the previous versions.The strange thing now is, that when I run Prime or another CPU heavy tool my CPU starts with 4,4 Ghz but then downclocks ...

Raƒa by Level 7
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P8Z77-V LK 1104 Bios not updating

just noticed on the asus site that there was a 1104 bios update for the p8z77-v lk. I have tried upating via ez flash 2 in the mb bios. EZ flash says that this bios is not a UEFI bios and won't let me update. Can someone find out if there is a proble...

AMD Formula Z and Sli asus 680gtx issues

Ok guys, I have almost given up on this so I figured I would try the forums. I have amd 8350fx,ASUS Crosshair V Formula-Z AM3+ AMD 990FX, 2 ASUS GTX680-DC2-4GD5 sli, 16 gigs of ram 2133 g skill 4x 4gb, 500 gb ssd, SeaSonic X-1250 1250W powersupply,...