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X99-S easiest connection of WC pump 9V

Hi, I've connected the pump of my Fractal Design S36 AIO to cpu_opt.Since the pump makes quite some noise I've been recommended to lower the pump to 9v (2000 rpm) but afaik I can't control the cpu_opt. Can anyone verify this?If I need to connect it e...

USB 3.0 for mouse & keyboard - what!?

According to the manual for ASUS Maximus VI Extreme, page 2-16 section 2.3.1, they want you to plug in mouse and keyboard at the Intel USB 3.0 ports. WHY? :confused: Wouldn't it be the best to just plug them into the two USB 2.0 ports?Question #2:Do ...

Maximus V Gene Multiple probelms, including OCing.

Hi Guys,There are a few problems with my motherboard.Firstly, when I turn it on and do a cold boot, the power comes on for around 3 seconds, then off again for another 3 seconds, then the pc boots normally. Just before it switches off after the three...

Weidass by Level 7
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USB 2.0 vs USB 3.0 - first startup (new build)

So I'm gonna boot up the PC for the first time and I wonder which USB-ports I should use for keyboard and mouse...USB 2.0 or USB 3.0? Can I use the mouse & keyboard on USB 3.0 ports without any problem since it's an absolute newbuild without any OS i...

Bios Update

I was wondering I built a system last year and have a Sabertooth 990FX r2.0 motherboard. I see there has been a couple bios updates since I bought this mother board. Now my question is do I have to update all updates or just the last one.I also have ...

Displayport to GFX-card or to mobo I/O-port?

I was just wondering, what is the best thing really? DisplayPort from monitor directly into the GFX-card's DisplayPort? OR... DisplayPort from monitor directly into the I/O DisplayPort on the motherboard? I've never heard anyone talking a...

EZ_PLUG_1 & EZ_PLUG_2 on single GPU card

Hi... I am only using one single GFX card right now since I took the other card out and gave back to my cousin. The thing is - I still have the connectors plugged in to the EZ_PLUG_1 and EZ_PLUG_2 ports on the mobo, because I thought it would not hur...

How do I update BIOS? First time, a little lost.

I'm getting some BSOD errors "CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT" and I've figured I'll update my bios to see if it helps.I've never updated the BIOS on any motherboard before and I'm a little nervous of ruining something. I've have the motherboard since 2013 an...

Can't overclock i7 4770k + duel channel ram not working

hey all, first post here ok so i've had the above processor being cooled by a hydro h80i with the vi hero board for about 4 months now and at first i had 1 stick of kingston ram. but over christmas i bought some teamgroup lv 2400mhz ram, put them bot...

tegbird by Level 7
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