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Resetting bios.

whenever I turn off the UPS is reset the bios.it is already getting boring, I always have to set everything up again.I tried removing the battery to put again.anyone have any idea?, thanks.

BT GO Software

Hi all,For some reason the BT Go ! software will not install from either the provided CD or the direct download from the ASUS support site (Both are the same version). The odd thing is when I run the install disk, the BT GO! software does not even s...

BF3 and 4-Way SLI

Occasionally i'll be playing for over 30mins on a 64man server maxed out with 119fps - 150fps+ on average. Then all of a sudden i see my FPS just plumment to the 80 and even 40FPS range, now this is not right at all. I have no clue what could be caus...

USB crash

I have a garmin training watch and everytime I plug the watch onto its holder my PC blue screens and shuts down. Any ideas? Thanks

PC not powering on (Possibly liquid-cooling related)

So, today my PC randomly switched itself off. I opened it up to see that one of my CPU water block fittings is loose, however it doesn't look like it could have leaked. I've had liquid cooling for a good 4-5 months problem free. My motherboard is the...

Xeuyi by Level 7
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Overclocking (both CPU and RAM) advice requested.

I am completely new to overlcocking. I have never run anything other than default bios. However, I have recently built a new computer with the configuration listed below. I would like to achieve two things and I am hoping that there are known setting...

Lokitez by Level 7
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Bios 1402 Error

my bios 1402 suddenly errase some parts of the screen in the bios interface, i remove the battery, wait 10 seconds, put it again, and the problem doesnt solve, the pc works, windows start , any opinion?

percha09 by Level 8
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Asus Maximus Motherboards

Maximus V Formula & Maximus V Extreme MotherboardsThe boards look fantastic; but when are they going to be released in the UK.Even knowing the month would be an improvement.Catrillion

3-way SLI Palit Jetsream GTX 680 4GB

Hello guys,I am planning to get 2x Palit Jetstrem GTX 680's 4GB versions.In the future i might add a 3rd card. however, these cards are using a 2,5 slot cooler and i'm not sure if i can run 3-way SLI like this on my Rampage IV extreme.I'm not sure if...