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New Rampage IV Extreme build memory issue (I think)

Hi allFirst of all I want to say, Great site. It was the information available on here that made me decide to purchase the Rampage in the first place.I happily picked up the the parts to build my new gaming machine yesterday and set about putting it...

Warjam by Level 7
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HyperX Genesis 2133 setting

i try set my ram run at 2000mhz but always fail testing with intel burntest , but stable on super pi 32M. please help me to make my system stable :Proci : amd ph II x6 1055tRam : HyperX Genesis 2133MHz - KHX2133C9AD3X2K2/4GXMobo : asus CH V formula/t...

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V Formula & Corsair Dominator Question?

I have Maximus V formula and Corsair Dominator GT 2000mhz i run the X.M.P profile i know that 2000mhz run on 2nd gen CPU 1866mhz then when i get to bios am shocked that the rams are runing 2000mhz so i boot up and everything is stable and working no...

10218 10219
Ayman by Level 10
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Huge bios malfunction on Maximus v formula

Hello all, I need big help! I had my new comp built and running on win 8. No crashes ever and a healthy over lock to around 4.4 using level up. Anyways, I went to Asus website and got all the latest downloads on my new computer and installed all bu...

Cowpie by Level 7
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ASUS Rampage IV Formula - CPU error

So I just assembled my new computer today. But when I start the computer, all the fans work, and the video card appears to be running (GTX 680) and the CPU cooler is working (H100) the CPU_LED q-led lights up red and nothing shows up on my screen. my...

Haeoful by Level 7
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There is no BIOS screen during boot up ???

Hi Everyone,This is really weird. I went to turn on my computer the other day and it said 'no DVI signal'. I switched to the other DVI port and nothing. I then connected my cord to the other video card and it worked (the third PCIE socket farthest ...

dedaciai by Level 10
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Maximus V Formula - Europe

Any official word on the release date of this board in Europe? Yes we know the USA, Australia, Canada, Asia and where ever else already has it but we still don't! Heres hoping the rumours of end of July / early August are not true!

Overclocking on Crosshair V Formula

Hi,I have a Crosshair V Formula and a Phenom II X4 970BE. I was able to OC from the stock freq., 3.5GHz, to 3.91Ghz by just messing with the multiplier and the CPU Voltage. I have a multiplier set at 19.5x and the voltage set at 1.465. My max temp un...

Problem with first boot, Maximus IV Gene-z, new computer.

So i got my brand new Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z home a few days ago, i assembled my rig and booyaa, f2 error code.My rig:Maximus IV Gene-z/gen 3G-skill F3-1600CL9T 2000mhz 3x2gb (Should work with the mobo)MSI 6950i5 3570kSimple HDD and a SSD 6gb/s.So i'...

Crim by Level 7
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Newbie Questions

Hi,I'm looking to start learning more about pc's so that I can eventually start doing overclocking and stuff.I tried to flash my BIOS - and when I did lost all data as it reset my RAID 0 array (and changing it back to RAID in bios didn't work) - henc...

Paul123 by Level 7
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