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Maximus V Extreme LN2 Mode / Slow Mode

Im going to have my first time subzero OC this weekend (use dry ice), I had read this artical: http://rog.asus.com/109512012/maximu...shamino-andre/But it was talking about MVF. So on MVE, can I enable LN2 mode by simply swith it to on? or do I need ...

Eustia by Level 7
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Rampage IV Extreme Wake On Lan (WOL) problem with BIOS 2105b

Hello everybody,so I decided to update my BIOS yesterday. I went for modified 2105b with updated oprom. I have noticed that WOL no longer works. I was previously on 2103 (official) and WOL was working just fine. I know the network adapter in RIVE doe...

asus crosshair formula V and osx lion

hi, i was wondering if someone have tried to install osx lion in this motherboard, if so, i would like to hear guides xD or something helpfull plz ;D sorry for my bad english u.u

Yuhuyu by Level 7
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Crosshair Formula 5 - which graphic board suits?

Hi and sorry for my terrible English!;)I have the mainboard Crosshair Formula 5 and unfortunatelly I'm not very happy with the performance while gaming. I have heard it might be coased my bad compability of my mainboard and graphic board (I have AMD ...

Support DVD update for Windows 8

Hi, I have a Crosshair V formula with Thunderbolt Audio and Lan card, I am running Windows 8 on the computer but the Asus supprt cd is not compatable for this, is there any news on updates to solve this problem. And when I go to bios page it is way t...

Some Maximus V Extreme results

Just thought I would post some recent results achieved with this amazing board.Here is a pic of the 2D bench rig used. For RAM I am using GSKILL TridentX and GSKILL PiA couple of 2D scores:Super PiPi 32 mbDDR 2700 + was easy to get stable on this boa...

8_Pack by Level 12
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Why updated OROM's included in BIOS updates may be important

Here:http://www.techpowerup.com/SSD TRIM Command on RAID 0 Possible - With A Few Riders Intel made it possible for SSDs to utilize the TRIM command feature when striped in RAID 0, provided a few meaty requirements are met. The TRIM command feature wo...

RickROG by Level 11
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Will this work on my Sabertooth x79!?

Will this SLI bridge work on my Sabnertooth x79 cause I hate the way the flexible bridge looks! http://us.estore.asus.com/index.php?l=product_detail&p=4644Or will this one work http://us.estore.asus.com/index.php?l=product_detail&p=2001