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sabertooth 990fx r2 8350 overclock and some other questions

Hey everyone. I was just wondering if anyone have tried overclocking this new amd cpu (i know ppl overclock it but somebody from this forum reading this) because i got this board just few days ago i changed from msi 990fxa-gd80 mb because i could not...

I don't have UASP for my USB 3 device?

Using maximus IV genez matx mobo. USB storage device is WD my passport 1TB device.Enabled USB 3 in bios settings.Yes i have plugged it into the usb3 port and still i only have normal and turbo selection which my usb 2.0 devices have too.

heart sink size interrupts PCIe slot 1

Greetings,Long time gamer but never on a custom rig, always fantasized of a personalized dream machine but being clumsy and mechanically inept I always withdrew from the idea andstuck with pre-built purchase ready equipment. I took a leap out of the ...

Anyone get Blue-ray to work just using the iGPU in M5E??

I have WinDVD PRO 11 which is supposed to work with my hardware, even without a discreet graphics card. I've tried the Display port, the HDMI port, the stock Intel HD4000 driver on the Asus disk, and the latest drivers on the Intel site, but nothing...

Maximus Gene-Z/Gen3 code 34 error - unusual

Hi, I have a problem with a new computer build that is running an i5 2500K processor with 4x4Gb Corsair CML Vengeance DDR3-1600 RAM, 1.5V. I am using onboard video. I do not have any other hardware attached to the system currentlyI get the debug code...

chvf-z and memory

my friend ordered the chvf-z and this memory. will it work ? plus she got the 8350.http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820226375

Single DIMM Testing - Slot 3/4 200Mhz (DDR400) ??

Is this some feature I didn't know about? Here is the sitch..if I put a stick in slot1 or 2.. I get the correct read.. if it goes in slut 3 or 4 I get a quarter of what I paid for.. I mean it doesn't detect as 800Mhz (DDR1600) but instead as 200Mhz ...

RIVE and the SCSI Problem

HiIam a newby in Forums,My problem is that my single SSD with the RST is shown as SCSI Device, but thats wrong , in bios i´ve activating the AHCI .Is there any solve for my problem ? Sorry for my englishWindows 7 x64Bios Version 3204