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SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0 core unlock (phenom II's)

pickup a sabertooth 990FX r2 the other day hoping to run my PII 555 as a x4.quickly discovered the 'unlock' ability has been removed from UEFI. the MB came with 906 which i later updated to 1302 - neither has the unlock feature (tho the 'disable core...

aphasia by Level 7
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No mouse in bios Sabertooth 990FX

I have Mad-Cat R.A.T. 7 Contagion mouse and when it's plugged in to the usb 2 on my motherboard it's not working in bios. But when it's plugged in the usb 3 on my motherboard it's working in bios but the windows 7 won't pass the welcome screen ,the ...

Marco70 by Level 7
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[Request] P9X79 WS BIOS backup

To add support for this board in FD44Editor, I need one or more BIOS backups from working boards, BIOS images from asus.com are not enough.To make a backup, please download FTK for Windows, unpack it and run backup.bat as Administrator. I will not re...

Bios 3010

Hi guys.Posting on the subject of the 3010 bios for people that have tested as he works to tell us.I've managed to raise the CPU frequency from 4.8 to 4.9 with the same voltage. 1.39. I'm in the testing phase.I'll try with 5.0, wish me luck.:D

Raja: OC guide revision recommendations

This thread is a result of my discussion W/Raja in another thread regarding the updating of his two Overclocking (OCing) thread stickys on this forum. He asked me for specifics, and it has occurred to me I may not be the only one W/good opinions on h...

appropriate case fan

Hi all What kind of Case fan should I get for the MVG so that I can control its speed with AIsuite. i,e variability . the mobo have 4pin only , and finding if a fan has 4 wires is a bitch.I been looking at Corsair's SP120 but it ain't clear . I want ...

Disabled sequre boot on maximus 5 gene

Hi guys. ı wanted to install lucig-virtualization on my sistem but when ı install it doesnt work and gives errors. ı active igpu in mainborad but in download page it says "you should disable secure boot" ı tried but ı could not! so how can ı disabled...

Two issues that I can not seem to trouble-shoot

Whilst waiting for a revodrive to come back from a RMA, I've decided to temporarily use 2x WD Velociraptors in raid 0, just to be able to utilize the computer as opposed to it letting gather dust. - Which it doesn't, by the way.The setup:CPU: i7 2600...

Leafy by Level 7
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Problems with Automatic Maintenance windows 8!!

Hi, i have a problem with Automatic Maintenance windows 8 and windows 7 too. I build my pc with:- i7 3820- Rampage IV Formula- 4x1TB Hard Drives- Quad Channel Memory Patriot 1866 Mhz 16GB- Cooler Corsair H80The problems started from I built my PC wit...

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