RIVE bios 3404 ?
Anyone try it yet?Any good?:confused:
Anyone try it yet?Any good?:confused:
hello . maybe someone can halp me with my problem.yestarday i updaded bios on my maximus v formula from 1408 to 1604 with flash USB stick.and the problem happened, when my PC restarted it couldn't boot no signal from bios, the MB just went on and off...
Problem solved
Hi AllLooking for some advice on the best cpu cooler to fit to a V Gene that will allow overclocking. It's a small case and the maximum height for the cpu cooler is 125mm. CPU is i7-3770k, Ram: Corsair Dominator Platinum 16GB (2x8), GFX - EVGA GTX 6...
Hello again everyone,After a long vacation I am back and working on my new rig again. I have decided to get a new RAM kit in hopes of solving some previous issues with freezing, etc. This comes after ruling out a few other possible problems and aft...
Hi, I was checking what is best method for stabilizing a 5.0 overclock. Just booting fine was victory, but I cannot last 50 seconds with the ASUS diagnotic programe CPU stress test. Email and web etc, etc work fine. I am running great at 4.6 now, ...
Hi everyone, sorry if this has been asked before as i am new to the forums (and computer building in general) and have just purchased my first ever mobo the maximus v formula. I have been reading and been told that if you update the BIOS it voids you...
Would it be safe to connect a water pump to the headers on the MB? Also what is the maximum amperage of the connectors?
This is the worst Mb i have ever used the BIOS is temperamental only lets you in when it feels like it then after you change settings you have to manually reset the pc other wise it sticks at the splash screen for 6 minuets, changing any ram settings...