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Asus maximus 7 formula no post no beep error 15?? Help

Level 7
Ive been having an issue with this board where it wont boot or post. Its gets stuck on error 15 ive also noticed that the cpu led is on. If i keep hitting the reset button it will eventually boot but once i restart it will do the same thing. Ive tested the ram and the hard drives but ive had no luck. Any ideas? My specs are asus maximus 7 formula, i7 4790k, 16 gb corsair , 2 gtx 760 in sli, evga 1000 watt psu, samsung evo 840 250 gb ssd. And a samsung 1tb hhd.

Level 7
it seems to be working now but ive noticed that once i disconnect the psu it starts giving me crap again...what do u think?? i think the mobo is defective

Oh boy I thought for sure you fixed it stemz05.

Let's step back a little bit, you say it was fine and no problems before installing the south bridge water block and cleaning. If this is correct are you sure you didn't damage anything on the motherboard when doing these?

The fact that it does boot sometimes and works outside the case would indicate the motherboard is ok, I mean the motherboard either works or it doesn't. I got my hands thrown up in the air with a big ? hanging over me now.

The freezing could be a power issue or your ram is not fully stable, but running at default settings you shouldn't get freezing.

Those codes are not very common and the fact that it stops on different codes really has me befuddled. I don't like to point fingers at the motherboard without extensive testing preferably with other components. It could be the psu or power connections even though you have a very good psu. Double check all your power connections including the pcie power cables are secured into place and on the psu end too. You could inspect each cable to make sure all the pins are in place.

When it does boot can you game or use your pc for hours on end with no problems?

Level 7
ive been using it for a while now no problems...same as u man im hella confused and im pretty sure i didnt damage it. everything is stock i havent over clocked it. the psu is new new only a couple of months old. it even got to the point where it was giving me error 55 i looked it up in the manual and it said ram not installed. so to me its just throwing random errors idk its working now but im not very happy with this board. the freezing thing while it boots it has always done it since i bought it. id just reset it like 2 times and it boot normaly. i really doubt that both sets of ram i have are bad so idk i wish i had more hardware to test it on. ill prob just buy another mobo and test everything on it and rma the maximus.

Code 55 is a ram error, you have listed 16GB of corsair ram, please list me the complete specifications and are you using two separate kits of the same specs?

Tell me which two ram kits you have and if you're using them together.

Level 7
they are 2 diffrent brands brands and no im not using it together. one is 16 gb of crucial balistix and the one thats im currently using is corsair dominator platinum 16 gb timings are 10-12-12-31 im running everything stock i usally run the ram at 2400 with 1.65 volts but i havent overclocked it

Thank you

The corsair dominator platinum is a good ram kit, it's compatible with the maximus vii formula and is the kit I would use too.

You could try raising the cpu system agent voltage to 1.15v - 1.20v it's possible you may have a weak IMC on your 4790k. Raising the cpu system agent voltage will help stabilize your ram at 2400MHz.

You could also try setting it up manually instead of using X.M.P.

If you need help setting your ram manually just say so, this should help with the freezing.

Level 7
i know how to set it up manually i just havent messed with it due to the problems i was having. thanks for all the help man i really appreciate it. if i even find out the problem ill update the post. thanks again

You're welcome

Yeah keep us updated, I'd like to hear some "permanently" good news sometime soon. 🙂

I'll keep an eye out for you to post.

Level 7
Hello ite me again ive been thinking. I havent really torn apart the pc due to the face that im afraid of it not booting lol. Ive been looking around for a new board this maximus just left me you know how the maximus has a 8 pin cpu connector and a 4 pin. Will having the 8 pin hooked up only cause any of those issues?? I know the extra 4 pin was for extreme over clocks but i never planned on doing. So i never bothered connecting it and to this day im just running a 8 pin. Could that cause any issues?

The 8-pin cpu power cable is required and as you say the 4-pin cpu power cable is only needed for extreme overclocking but it won't hurt anything if you connect it.

How has it been working for you?