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Any issues with single graphics in second pcie on MVE?

Level 7

My previous post was obviously way too long and confused to get any replies. So lets go with the essentials.

Both the first pcie slots on the MVE are electrically x16. Would there be any kind of stability/compatibility/performance issues of putting my single GTX 690 card in the second slot?

The only obvious thing is longer physical distance for data to travel, but that must be a ridiculously small penalty?

For other expansion cards - sound, sata controller - any of the other red pcie slots will be just as good to use as the other, with compatibility/stability in mind (the 2 black pcie's seems to be disabled in various configs)?

Thank you
Parts lying and waiting for me (my ARMA III hope):
MB: Maximus V Extreme
CPU: i7-3770K (Prolimatech Genesis cooler)
RAM: Kingston HyperX Genesis 2133, 4x4GB

Sound: Xonar Phoebus (Razer Tiamat Elite, true 7.1 headset)

PSU: Antec High Current Gamer 900W
Main SSD drive: Intel 520 240GB
OS: Windows 7 Premium 64-bit

Case: Corsair Vengeance C70, Black (to be modified, especially HDD tray air slots), with loads of fans & DEMCiflex dust filters!

Level 15
Nah, there should be no problem at all using the 2nd slot for your card and I highly doubt there would be even the slightest noticable difference between using slots 1 and 2. As to the second question, there should be no problem at all populating any of the other slots for sound, sata controller etc. Just turn the slots to active, or whatever the option for them is lol...guessing "enabled" lmao 😛

Thanks for your input 🙂

It makes me more confident to try moving things around at the start. I mean its no big deal to move a card, but if my heatsink is too close to 1:st slot graphics for comfort, this is the first config I'll try out. For later trouble shooting stock cooler can be installed etc..

I can also see in the Formula thread that MeanBrruceROG has put his GPU in second slot on his MVE, so it obviously works.
Parts lying and waiting for me (my ARMA III hope):
MB: Maximus V Extreme
CPU: i7-3770K (Prolimatech Genesis cooler)
RAM: Kingston HyperX Genesis 2133, 4x4GB

Sound: Xonar Phoebus (Razer Tiamat Elite, true 7.1 headset)

PSU: Antec High Current Gamer 900W
Main SSD drive: Intel 520 240GB
OS: Windows 7 Premium 64-bit

Case: Corsair Vengeance C70, Black (to be modified, especially HDD tray air slots), with loads of fans & DEMCiflex dust filters!

Level 15
No worries and yes he did and yes it did work. Now I am guessing you have your hardware? good have a read through the manual. it might be able to answer any further questions you may have...unless they are issues, then make sure you go through the Forums to see if anyone else has the problem and got it sorted before you start a new thread. Good luck 🙂

As a reference to other MVE owners and hopefully for ASUS staff to comment, there do seems to be an issue with installing single graphics card in slot 2. Here follows a quote from Bruce in the Maximus V Formula thread:

MeanBruceROG wrote:
Wondering if future bios updates will allow the first and second video slots to be PLX equivalent? When using just a single card in either slot one OR slot two will disable/bypass the PLX chip. The Extreme is an overclockers board but some of us are using it in a silent rig, and for improved airflow and aesthetics the second slot offers another option for single card users.

Current Bios 0257

Card installed slot one: PLX temps 29C to 39C (PLX disabled)

Card installed slot two: PLX temps 55C to 63C (PLX enabled)

Myk, I'll have my all my stuff later next week, hopefully it's all gonna go fine (my fourth or fifth build this, but with a few years in between, I almost have to start from scratch each time due to technology advancements - but one thing is constant: weird issues with different configs, and that's why I'm rather careful). And I've been studying the PDF manual of the MVE on ASUS site in full a long time ago. But since this board is only just released I hoped to get some ASUS staff feedback on different configs, guess they have other things to do 😉
Parts lying and waiting for me (my ARMA III hope):
MB: Maximus V Extreme
CPU: i7-3770K (Prolimatech Genesis cooler)
RAM: Kingston HyperX Genesis 2133, 4x4GB

Sound: Xonar Phoebus (Razer Tiamat Elite, true 7.1 headset)

PSU: Antec High Current Gamer 900W
Main SSD drive: Intel 520 240GB
OS: Windows 7 Premium 64-bit

Case: Corsair Vengeance C70, Black (to be modified, especially HDD tray air slots), with loads of fans & DEMCiflex dust filters!