Hi people,
This is a modification,... since I have no other choices and no other places,
to bring down the CPU temp by a supplementar air cooler, designed and installed
under the CPU socket,... I think like the last frontier,to avoid using of a liquid cooled system!
Sounds crazy also for me, but the results are there, and you can try and judge!
I've created this, for the case, when during a test of LinX I touched the metal cross
under the CPU socket and I felt it was hot, (about 60C°), while Core temp showed 73-75C°
medium temp on the cores.
I drilled two copper plates 100x50x5 mm. (total weigh about 1,0 pound) and I installed this
under the CPU socket over the metal cross(..see photo), using the four threaded holes
of the original socket 2011, and using a thermal pad 1.5mm between copper and cross.
Also I have installed in front a SCYTHE SLIP STREAM SLIM 120x120x12mm fan 2000 RPM
very silent, that pushes fresh air, drawn from a grid on the right side of the case.
I redid the same tests with LinX, under same conditions of room temperature and CPU load,
to obtain the following results with and without this supplement of air cooler:
Stress test @ 4500 offset+0,015 -room temp 28C° -Noctua NDH14 without copper plates:
LinX 10 steps ----idle -1 - 2 - 3 -4 -5 -6 -7 - 8 - 9 -10
CPU's hot core temp 28 66 68 72 71 70 73 72 75 74 76 (Core temp indication)
m.cross socket temp 26 43 46 49 52 54 55 57 58 59 61 (opt.3 sensor indication)
Stress test @ 4500 offset+0,015 -room temp 28C°-Noctua NDH14 with copper plates:
LinX 10 steps ---- idle -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10
CPU's Hot core temp 28 63 65 64 65 66 67 68 68 69 71 (Core temp indication)
m.cross socket temp 25 33 36 37 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 (opt.3 sensor indication)
The temp. difference in the socket metal cross is about -20C°, which it is translate in about
-5C° medium on the CPU cores, and It seems to have a beneficial effect also on VRM temperature,
(shows from opt.1 sensor....37C°in place 39C°). Try before you criticize, five degree are not a lot but
..me too I didnt' believe it!

If you feel these tests unreliable and-or have a more accurate test, suggested to me how to do it.
If, however, you want to suggest me ...to buying a liquid cooler, I'm not offended, but...i dont buy it!
I'm not saying that this is the final solution for all the coolers, and if you need to assemble a new system,
rightly buy a liquid cooler ... but if you already have an air cooler of a certain level and cost like me
(es. my Noctua NHD14), then before giving up, try to help it in this way!
sandro c.