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Active frequency mode missing in bios

Level 7
As the AI Suite 3 settings are reset at boot, I intented to replicate the settings in the (UEFI) bios. Everything is pretty much in their default settings, no overclocking, only XMP profile enabled for the DRAM. As I'm currently not using programs that require alot from the CPU I decided to enable the Active Frequency Mode and perhaps set the CPU power phase control to optimised as it defaults to extreme. The Active Frequency Mode lowers the VRM temperature at idle by nearly 20 degrees C. However, the setting in AI Suite is reset at boot and I can't find it in the bios. It is not in the External DIGI+ power management menu where the other settings are. My bios version is 2201. Another controversy is that the Spread Spectrum option is enabled at bios and off in AI Suite.

So, where is the Active Frequency mode setting in bios and why are the default setting different in bios and AI Suite?

Level 7
I managed to restore the Active frequency mode in bios by uninstalling the AI Suite. I'll leave the DIP 5 unistalled and use the AI Suite only for monitoring and USB Boost from now on. Now I'm just wondering why the Active frequency mode is off by default as it has the potential to lower VRM temperature significantly in low load situations. Does anyone have more information about the disadvantages of enabling the setting, especially when the system is not overclocked?