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A light is flashing... am I okay?

Level 7
My sata light is flashing, it's orange and flashing. Should I be worried? My pc randomly shuts off as well, already ordered new psu + new ram. Hoping replacing those will fix my problem.

Level 13
The SATA light flashes with activity, this is normal. List all parts and your configuration for the shutdown issue please..


Level 7
i7 950
8 gb ram (sector 5, 2x4)
32 bit windows 7

evga gtx 260 video card
750 fatlity PSU

Already bought a new psu, switched out the older one
My new ram just came in. Just switched out the ram... I need help guys. Could it be my motherboard? 😕

Edit : My last bet would be to replace my graphics card. 😕 Any possibility to get another motherboard through this site? I'll send this one back for a replacement maybe? ... i'm QQ bros...

Level 7
This is odd but I did my entire setup without my case and now it works... what a joke.

Level 7
rofl what ?:D
1.did you overcloked it ? if yes go on stock setting
2. try to update your bios
3. theres way to test ram really did you even bothered to brose this forum ? mem test and scan 1 memory at time
4. if you pc shuts down randomly check in event log what it saying with 8 gb ram try to set qpi/dram on 1.4 V

Level 7
Figured out the problem, over heating. Fixed. ❤️