Ty Loranon for the response.
Installed Afterburner, and lowered the power slide to 50% and witcher 3 remained stable the only try i did, this triggered all alarms. Installed GPU-Z to monitor card power consumption and this is what i got.

Dont know if these power numbers are normal, but thats with me sitting at desktop looking at the monitor, I maybe wrong but it seems the card board is sucking allmost 100W, the chip 17W, MVDCC 58W (dont know what this part is) and PWR_SRC another 65W (also dont know what part it is). If someone could explain these values, and tell me if its all normal for an idle TUF RTX 3080, would be very gratefull
Logged this data to a file, and in the moment of a crash the last 4 values logged where 283, 144, 73 and 88. This makes me think i may have a faulty card and is time to RMA.
BTW my PSU is a seasonic snowsilent 1050 platinum 3 years old. Got another brand new PSU I could swap and see if it dont crash, but first would love to know if my card is all ok, or these numbers are too much, as reviews says it should be sucking 20W while idle.