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Sorry to whine...but I'm pretty gutted =(

Level 7
Hi there,

I've recently finished a new build and spent a lot of time gradually getting parts together. Finished with the jewel in the crown - an Asus Strix GTX 1080 8GB Adavnce edition. I've installed it and am broken hearted to hear horrible fizz/squeal which I believe is known as coil squeal. From what I've read this isn't terminal, but when I've spent so much on a brand new system - and hundreds on the GPU alone - I just can't help being upset by the noise. I also bought an Asus PG279Q monitor, which is fabulous, but as you can guess by this...I'm not in a position to rush out and buy a replacement GPU now!

So, to anyone out there a way of fixing this? Or am at all likely to get a replacement card? I'm not looking for a refund, just a fix for the noise. I've had it less than a week =/

Yours sadly,


Level 7
if the coil whine is exceptionally bad can request an RMA from Asus. There are Asus moderators here that should be able to point you in the right direction too. I hope it all works out for you.

Thank you. It's the first time I've bought Asus components and it took a while saving. I got a silent case (fractal define c) to put everything in and keep things smooth and quiet. Best-laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley!

Hi there, new PSU - it's a Corsair RM850x

Hi Rollondo31

Welcome to the ROG forum.

It sounds like your Strix 1080 has coil whine and as you say it's not doing any harm just creating noise, I might not be too concerned unless it starts to get louder, or as seanay00 says it's already exceptionally loud then that would warrant an RMA.

One thing that can cause this is your psu, if you don't have a spare psu can you try your Strix 1080 in a friends pc to see if you still get the coil whine ?

It shouldn't happen with a quality psu, what psu do you have ?

The Corsair RM850x is a good psu so I wouldn't expect any coil whine with it.

Can you record a video so we can hear what you're hearing ?

Having difficulty uploading the vid here..

Hopefully file is attached[video]

Sorry, I can't see your video.

In the reply box click the piece of film strip then insert your link, you may have to upload it to youtube first.