Hi there,
I've recently finished a new build and spent a lot of time gradually getting parts together. Finished with the jewel in the crown - an Asus Strix GTX 1080 8GB Adavnce edition. I've installed it and am broken hearted to hear horrible fizz/squeal which I believe is known as coil squeal. From what I've read this isn't terminal, but when I've spent so much on a brand new system - and hundreds on the GPU alone - I just can't help being upset by the noise. I also bought an Asus PG279Q monitor, which is fabulous, but as you can guess by this...I'm not in a position to rush out and buy a replacement GPU now!
So, to anyone out there...is there a way of fixing this? Or am at all likely to get a replacement card? I'm not looking for a refund, just a fix for the noise. I've had it less than a week =/
Yours sadly,