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My pc doesn't power on with 780 ti matrix anymore..

Level 10
Hey all. I have been strugglin to get the xtreme control board for my 780 ti matrix platinum working for a few days now. But now suddenly something weird happened.

I was on youtube with the card and xcb connector, everything was at stock. Suddenly during a video the whole system just shut down and leds on fans started blinking. I first thought the psu maybe damaged and unplugged everything and tested it, it worked and seemed to run normally. I then plugged everything back and was going to try to power on the pc with the card plugged but without pci-e cables plugged and the slot turned off. The pc started but I heard a weird electrical short zap sound, like when you're electrically charged and touch something metal to ground yourself, that kind of sound. Ofc then I just powered down the system and tried with a different card, pc worked fine. I haven't shorted ln2 mode, it was in normal bios.

I have looked around the card everywhere and can't seem to find physical damage at all. The card just prevents the whole system from powering on now, I've tried for a few times. Not even the psu fan will spin at all. Like the card is grounding the whole system. Has anyone here ever faced this kind of issue? I've already unplugged the xcb and everything but cant seem to find a solution. When I plugged in my other damaged 780 ti it posted into bios. Only thing that looks abnormal to me are these few caps or what they are near the dvi connector back of the pcb, but they look same on pics I found online.

Really if this one is dead for no reason aswell I will not buy asus graphics cards anymore. This time it was completely stupid, shut down while watching a youtube video, xcb was disabled and everything was at stock.
Sinebrychof aka Luumi

Level 10
The resistance values I get via hotwire holes are 3.1 ohms for gpu, vmem and vpll are both about 86 ohms. So yeah, continuity beeps on gpu but not on mem and pll.
Sinebrychof aka Luumi

Level 10
The resistance values I get via hotwire holes are 3.1 ohms for gpu, vmem and vpll are both about 86 ohms. So yeah, continuity beeps on gpu but not on mem and pll.


I found something. The rig will turn on and post succesfully if only the left power connector is plugged in. So th right power connector or some vrm components after it are shorted and prevent start.
Sinebrychof aka Luumi

Level 14
Your not in the Army anymore, these video cards do not have armor, stop killing them

Oh, what is this? 39838

Like the Q501 component is melt and burned lol. Ignore the arrow. Could the card work without it?
Sinebrychof aka Luumi

Level 10
I've never seen alike, what can be at or after the right 8 pin power connector that is short. So hard to troubleshoot when you don't know exactly what to look for, if you had a working identical card next to you it would be much easier.
Sinebrychof aka Luumi

Level 10
Oh, what is this? 39838

Like the Q501 component is melted and burned lol. Ignore the arrow. Could the card work without it?
Sinebrychof aka Luumi

Level 10
It started with a VIC-20... and now it is. Maximus Formula VI Intel 4770K 4.6GHz ASUS GTX780Ti 3GB Corsair Platinum Dominator 16GB 2400MHz Raid Express 240GB Samsung EVO 512 GB SSD Corsair 900D EK watercooling Corsair RM1000 ASUS PB278Q

Level 10
Yeah but that can be still driven and repaired :P.
Sinebrychof aka Luumi