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Download Nvidia GeForce 364.47 WHQL driver

Level 13

Level 40
LOL only joking toronto...that must be the first time ever I've been forst to a driver update...pure coincidence

Hope you are on the trail of Whitehouse ISIS funding and Turkish oil trafficking 😉

Level 7

According this site stated that this new driver may damage our pc.

Anyone ever experience that?

Level 13
Most of the issues seem to be if u have 2 cards in SLI , I have 364.51 installed works fine for me on my GTX980Ti , if a Nvidia driver could damage a PC it would be removed for download by Nvidia and that's not the case , some configurations and software are having different problems with the last 2 drivers 364.47 and 364.51. Just make a Windows restore point so u can go back to the original driver if u have an issue , that's what I do for all new installed drivers make a restore point before installing something new. Nvidia is aware of the driver issues and will release a new driver in a few days most likely

Level 10
Damn, this was evil driver.

Level 40
This and its successor! 364.51 was given WHQL status within 24 hours...what's going on there? It is more of the same...terrible and system threatening but they leave it up like it's all sorted:confused:

Level 10
I didn't notice with 364.51 but with 364.47....
I never had such experience with Drivers for Radeon or previous GeForce drivers.
After 10min I write on other forum that this is maybe first useless driver from NVIDIA.
I never complain about drivers, in extreme situation maybe, something rear but this was chaos.
2cm on my left corner start to change colors... Only 2cm from top to the bottom of screen, rest of display normal.
But only when I enter in game. On desktop normal and F12 screenshoot in game didn't recognize problem.

Level 13
My Issue with 364.51 is memory error that causes a crash.