3 weeks ago
Dear Gamers,
Since it was a debate
here: https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/nvidia-graphics-cards/disable-gpu-power-led/td-p/743477
and here: https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/amd-graphics-cards/disable-turn-off-power-leds-white/m-p/571269#M6689
I just wanted to let you know that there is a way to disable that annoying white LED(s) at the power connector on your video card.
Go into your BIOS (while your PC turns on press F2 or DEL key)
(On ASUS Motherboards) Go into Advanced mode (F7)
On the top, select the "Advanced" Tab
In the list select "APM Configuration"
and the last step: "ErP Ready" set it to "Enable (S5)"
Note: ErP Support determines whether to let the system consume less than 1W of power in S5 (shutdown) state(when enabled). Shuts these functions off: PME Event Wake Up, Power On By Mouse, Power On By Keyboard, and Wake On LAN
Note2: You might need a PSU which supports ErP but most these days do.
Hope it helps, wishing you all the best!
Kind regards,