Hello sde444
He has his 980ti overclocked and it looks maxed out to me, out of the box the 6700k is roughly 10% faster than your 4790k and I imagine he has his 6700k overclocked too. overclocking your cpu and gpu will give you a significant performance increase. It looks like batman arkham knight scales well across 8 cores so make sure you have hyperthreading enabled in the bios under cpu configuration.
If you're using high levels of antialiasing try lowering it or turning it off.
You can try these settings, in the NVidia control panel click manage 3D settings.
Ambient Occlusion - Quality
Anisotropic filtering - Application controlled
Antialiasing FXAA - OFF
Antialiasing Gamma correction - ON
Antialiasing mode - Application controlled (In the game settings turn this off for now)
Antialiasing setting - Application controlled
Antialiasing Transparency - OFF
Cuda GPU's - ALL
DSR Factors - OFF
DSR Smoothness - OFF
Maximum pre rendered frames - 2 or 3 (you can test this to see if either one makes a difference)
Multi display/mixed GPU acceleration - Single display performance mode
Power management mode - prefer maximum performance (your gpu will run at the base clock when at idle)
Shader Cache - ON
Texture filtering Anisotropic sample option - OFF
Texture filtering Negative LOD bias - Allow
Texture filering quality - High Quality
Texture filtering Trilinear optimization - ON
Threaded optimization - ON
Triple buffering - OFF
Vertical sync - Use the 3D application (Turn this on in the game settings if you experience screen tearing, this will also cap the frames per second to your monitors refresh rate)
Virtual Reality pre rendered frames - 1
If there is any setting in the game options for pre rendered frames turn it to 0 or off.
Let me know if this helps at all, overclocking your cpu and gpu will give you a nice performance boost.