I have a question on ASUS ROG-STRIX-GTX1080TI-OC card as I just found out today I get it as a gift for Yule from my husband yes we buy each other PC parts at times lol
😉 I run three 27 inch BenQ monitors with 144Hrz and 1ms refresh rate ... my screen resolution is 5760 X 1080 :] On my 980Ti card all 3 screens are hooked up with DP cables.
Now with this new card on its way to me it has only 2 DP slots grrr not happy on this and one DVI -D slot and 2 HDMI 2.0 slots . My screens have HDMI but not 2.0 :eek: as I did test them today with a HDMI 2.0 cable so they are a no go
😛 From reading today I found out the DVI-D can pull off 144Hrz so good on this as my screens do have DVI-D .
So my question is is it a big deal to hook up 2 screens on DP cables and 1 screen on DVI-D ? Will this make issues or am I freaked out over nothing? I am semi freaked out due to I always game on 3 screens and have always used same cables the last 7 years and this will be the first time ever to use different cables. I would sooner walk from this card then give up my 3 screens at 144Hrz I think lol
😛 Any help info or advice please give as I want to enjoy this amazing gift not be freaked out until it comes thinking I could have a war on my hands with this video card
Bios 602 and did a bios update doh
passed 8hr test on Karhu RamTest
Set to Manual OC
Dram Frequency 4266MHz
Dram voltage 1.45v
CPU VCCIO Voltage 1.25v
CPU System Agent Voltage 1.29v
Dram timing control 17-18-18-38
Dram command rate set to 2N set dram current capability to 130%