So, this happened to me in the last days:
Installed 344.11 drivers, played Shadow of Mordor with no problems for a few hours, then tabbed to the internet for some mins, heard the GPU fan stopping...
At this point, that sounded strange to me, and I tabbed back ingame. Boom! Pc restarts. Played again with no problems for some time.
The day after, while I was just browsing on facebook, I heard the GPU fan stopping again...
Tried to launch anything that could make the GPU work, and Boom! Pc restarts.
The morning after, my pc wasn't even booting.
I removed the GPU, and tried booying with my old one (HD 6950), everything seemed to work again.
At that point, I couldn't accept the death of my 2-months-old GPU and went for a last solution: I uninstalled every driver, reconnected my 770 and installed the 337.88 build.
Now it seems to work again, but I'm afraid of what happened, my pc not booting doesn't simply mean a drivers problem to me.
Hope you guys can help, today I heard again that the fan stopped, checked MSI Afterburner and it said the fan speed was still 38%, I didn't believe in that so I opened Rivatuner, and... The fan restarted, BUT as soon as I started a game, pc crashed...
I heard updating BIOS could help, but the program I got from ASUS website says "This patch does not support this card!"
Sorry for the wall of text, I really have no ideas but sending it back for RMA :(((