01:50 PM
- last edited on
02:37 AM
07-20-2015 07:39 AM
07-21-2015 02:45 AM
07-21-2015 07:06 AM
08-04-2015 11:31 AM
fstauss wrote:
Please just give me a bios to make it stay on all the time. I have them in SLI and they don't even pulse together looks horrible. What was wrong with just using the led visulizer in GeForce Experience? I would send them back but the egg has a return for replacement only policy. Should have stuck with EVGA. First Asus video cards I have ever purchased, been running their mobos for years. I put in a support ticket on this very issue on the 15th and still have not received a reply. Not good customer service. I paid good money for those cards.
08-04-2015 02:47 PM
Chino wrote:
Unfortunately, it is not possible to stop the light, make it pulse or even change the light color. No software have been done for that.
07-23-2015 02:27 PM
09-09-2015 07:26 PM
09-17-2015 06:09 PM
Spoonhandle wrote:
Not sure if it's just a newer version of the software, but I was able to adjust the speed of the LED pulsing, leave them on solid or turn them off completely in the Geforce Experience.
09-20-2015 08:59 AM