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980Ti Strix LED Pulsing

Level 7
Hey guys! New to the forum! I had a question about my SLI 980Ti Strix Led Pulsing. Tried GeForce experience and can't make them stop pulsing (as in staying on solid). It's quite annoying as the two don't even pulse at the same time. Thanks!

Level 8
Can't, Asus programmed it in. Only option is disconnect power to the lighting or cover it up with tape.

Not having the option to make the LED solid or off is very annoying, we asked for it with the GTX 980 MATRIX, guys please listen to your customers feedback.

Level 7
Please just give me a bios to make it stay on all the time. I have them in SLI and they don't even pulse together looks horrible. What was wrong with just using the led visulizer in GeForce Experience? I would send them back but the egg has a return for replacement only policy. Should have stuck with EVGA. First Asus video cards I have ever purchased, been running their mobos for years. I put in a support ticket on this very issue on the 15th and still have not received a reply. Not good customer service. I paid good money for those cards.

fstauss wrote:
Please just give me a bios to make it stay on all the time. I have them in SLI and they don't even pulse together looks horrible. What was wrong with just using the led visulizer in GeForce Experience? I would send them back but the egg has a return for replacement only policy. Should have stuck with EVGA. First Asus video cards I have ever purchased, been running their mobos for years. I put in a support ticket on this very issue on the 15th and still have not received a reply. Not good customer service. I paid good money for those cards.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to stop the light, make it pulse or even change the light color. No software have been done for that.

Chino wrote:
Unfortunately, it is not possible to stop the light, make it pulse or even change the light color. No software have been done for that.

That stucks. Mine don't even pulse in sync with each other. They kind of just do their own thing.

Level 8
EVGA support is what every other company should strive to be like including Asus. Horrible about the lights on these strix cards....

Level 7
Not sure if it's just a newer version of the software, but I was able to adjust the speed of the LED pulsing, leave them on solid or turn them off completely in the Geforce Experience.

Spoonhandle wrote:
Not sure if it's just a newer version of the software, but I was able to adjust the speed of the LED pulsing, leave them on solid or turn them off completely in the Geforce Experience.

Can anyone else verify this? I'm looking to buy two strix cards for my rig but I cannot stand the constant pulsing. Thanks!

There is some control in LED Visualizer, but you cannot make the cards pulse together or make them stay on. Have tried everything with latest version of GeForce Experience. JJ tweeted awhile back about maybe a bios to just make them stay on solid (no pulsing). But have heard nothing else about it and have had a support ticket open for a very long time and Asus customer loyalty said they are looking into it. I'm not a happy Asus customer. EVGA's 980Ti's and several other brands let you control the LEDS with complete control. As a side note I have both of mine turned off completely and it looks awfully dark in a red and black build. Unacceptable with video cards that cost this much.