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980 Strix, Unlock Voltage Please Asus

Level 10
Quite a few 980's out right now even reference versions can go over 1.21v but Asus have locked the voltage down.

Please Asus release a voltage unlock tool with a warning etc... with it, If a reference style card that costs £100 less than yours can go up to 1.25v then I want the one I paid the extra £100 for to be able to match it in the voltage department please.

The modding community will eventually crack the bios and unlock the voltage but it would be good to see Asus do this.


Level 15
No chance (that's friendly, but direct). Everyone has to play by the Nvidia rules for RMA. This has been the case throughout 28nm. You've can hard-mod unlock it if you want to OC seriously. There are guides online to do it and we leave the 6-pin volt-mod area open.

MarshallR@ASUS wrote:
No chance (that's friendly, but direct). Everyone has to play by the Nvidia rules for RMA. This has been the case throughout 28nm. You've can hard-mod unlock it if you want to OC seriously. There are guides online to do it and we leave the 6-pin volt-mod area open.

Thanks for the reply, Guess I'll have to rely on the bios hacking community then 😉

Out of curiosity though, How is it other vendors when using even the 980 with reference cooler can go up to 1.25v, Even Anandtech in one of his reviews was able to push the card up to 1.25v without any mods or unlocks and my friends reference 980 from EVGA with Titan style cooler has the ability/option to go up to 1.24v.

Level 15
0.04v discrepancy.

MarshallR@ASUS wrote:
0.04v discrepancy.

True but that could make or break the overclock you're going after.