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3 way SLI 970 Strix Temps??

Level 7
Good afternoon people.

I recently "upgraded" from 3x Asus 780's to 3x 970 Strix's
I didnt opt for the 980s as the increase isnt worth the £200 extra price tag they carry.

I have custom water cooled the 3 gpus and included them in a loop with my cpu which is a 5930k Intel.

My main question is temps on the gpus, I know the standard cards will idle higher then reference cards due to the 0db fan which only comes on under a certain load %.

Im currently idling @ gpu1: 34 Degrees C gpu2: 32Degrees C, gpu3: 34 Degrees C.
Underload they will reach around 70 Degrees C.

Im a little worried as I was on the understanding that with the water cooling loop they should be idling alot lower and underload around 40-50 Degrees C.

Have I done something wrong or is what Im experiencing correct?
I run 3 monitors in nvidia surround : 5760x1080 and 1 accessory display at 1080x1920.

Thanks guys and looking forward to hearing back.


plus, the CPU NEVER reaches over 40 degrees C, even underload?!!?

Level 7
I think at the moment, its plugged into the CPU, but its had to be plugged into an extention fan cable.

Check in the bios you have the cpu fan header set to pwm and a low temperature set, check to see what rpm the pump is running at.

Level 7
Ive changed all my fans to pwm, and set them on turbo, so its ramps up @ 30% and then full speed @ 70%.

The GPUs are still idling @ 23, 30, 33.

All right

Play a game and see if temps are any lower. Is that a typo or is one gpu at 23c?

Level 7
Ye, type sorry.

They are idling now @
32, 30, 33. So there not worlds apart.

Level 7
Okay, I ran iracing on circuit of the americas which is a very intensive track for around 5 laps.
each one is alot cooler, but there are vast differences in temps.
59, 49, 56.

The highest the cards went were: 59, 59, 56

That's better but I would still expect a little better temps than that.

Did you apply the thermal paste like in the video?

Level 7
Yes, exactly like that. and I made sure I had full coverage on the gpu.

Even though temps are a bit high for liquid cooling temps are still acceptable. With temps of 59c the rads should be blowing hot air, if they're just blowing warm air you might want to consider reapplying the thermal compound and remounting the waterblocks, although it's not necessary you may get better temps.

I'll let this up to you to decide.