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Hybridisk questions

Level 7
I have an ASUS Raidr express SSD and use Hybridisk. I have several HDDs in my PC, but I can only use drive C:
to be the “master”? What, if I want another drive to get the cache by the Raidr express?

2. question:
If I use the RaidR express as a cache for an HDD with Hybridisk, can`t I use the unused space that`s left on the Raidr express like a normal drive? I`m asking, because I don`t see the Raidr anymore under “computer”....
So is it only used for cache and nothing else? This would be bad, because for the cache I don`t need the whole 240GB.

Level 7
Noone using this crap software? I disabled the caching and I still have no access to my RaidR anymore! It`s listed in ardware, but not available in "Computer".

Noone using this crap software? I disabled the caching and I still have no access to my RaidR anymore! It`s listed in ardware, but not available in "Computer".

Dont know if you are still around but if so you can pm me and I will help you set this up, one thing to check though would be to go to either Windows Disk manager or to CMD terminals Diskpart (whichever you prefer) and check to see that the drive you are looking for is assigned a letter so that explorer will show the drive under computer. If it is formatted and has information on it, but is not assigned a drive letter it will not show up.... This is also useful if you have multiple drives and it gets confusing to keep them all in order, the ones you rarely use you can temporarily assign no letter and clean up your hard drive list a little bit. When you need access. simply assign a letter again.

Thanks for your help! Meanwhile the Raidr is on another computer and I could set it up to work normally. I guess, it is not possible to use it as cache for another drive than C:
You probably could use the "rest" of the Raidr, that is not used as cache, as a normal drive, but you would have to make 2 partitions on the RAidr. At the moment that much too complicated and I don`t have the time to try this out. Who know`s wether it would work at all....