01-09-2023 08:39 AM
01-10-2023 07:06 AM
01-11-2023 12:10 AM
01-11-2023 07:12 AM
xeromist wrote:
My recollection is that the Front Base had rather limited compatibility. Have you confirmed that it works with either of your boards? Also, if you do have a compatible board you want to make sure that the board has the latest BIOS. The Front Base also has a firmware that gets updated when you install the driver.
Front Base Driver:V1.01.28
and if you expand the Software section there is:
ROG Connect Plus
01-11-2023 09:08 AM
01-11-2023 09:28 AM
xeromist wrote:
The support site says the firmware is included with the driver. I'm not sure if the firmware is updated at the time of the driver install but it is most likely.
01-11-2023 09:40 AM
frozen_sun wrote:
Is there a way to check if the firmware is updated?
So driver along with software should be installed prior or after hardware installation?
01-11-2023 09:33 AM
ROG Maximus VI series motherboards, Rampage IV
Black Edition motherboard, and other motherboards
that supports the ROG_EXT port
01-11-2023 09:38 AM
Murph_9000 wrote:
Under compatibility in https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/accessory/ROG_Front_Base/E8673_Rog_Front_Base_QSG.pdf:
Page 1-45 of https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1151/MAXIMUS_VIII_FORMULA/E11081_MAXIMUS_VIII_FORMULA_UM_WE... tells me the board has the header and should be able to drive it. It even mentions the Front Base by name.
The problem I think you are facing is that the driver and tool have not been updated since 2015/2016. They are for Windows 10, but MS have changed the OS significantly since then. The OS changes don't hit normal software too badly over time, but drivers and things like hardware monitors are much more easily broken by major OS changes. I'm not saying there's no way, just it's possibly not easy.
01-14-2023 01:47 AM