04-04-2023 09:42 PM
I have a missing driver that i cant find for PCI data acquisition and signal processing controller missing. I have download the chipset and still cant seem to find the correct driver for this.
04-05-2023 04:43 AM
The chipset drivers should work, but I have 2 more ideas for you.
1. Try installing the drivers manually by selecting 'update driver' then selecting the unpacked folder that contains them, or
2. Try MokiChU's chipset drivers here: https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/hardware-build-advice/index-all-my-firmware-drivers-software-threads/m...
Hope one of those ideas helps.
04-05-2023 04:44 AM
PS Interesting that I don't have that device listed at all. Maybe it's a 790 thing? Not sure.
04-05-2023 09:39 PM
John none of these suggestions fixed my issue. But I did find a way to get this fixed as I had to use the chipset driver from the included usb in the Z790 Hero box.
05-31-2023 04:13 PM
Thanks! I forgot this magical key 😃 All of your missing driver are on it /o/
04-06-2023 01:32 AM
Good news then, but that's strange. Perhaps the older USB drivers contain what you needed and the newer ones don't? Anyway, glad you got it all working.